Classic Macbook Air Parody [Favourites of The Gillos]steemCreated with Sketch.

in funny •  7 years ago 

A Funny Parody of a (Now Classic) Macbook Commercial

I remember when this ad campaign first came out, the Macbook Air was impossibly thin and sexy. It was an astonishing feat of engineering and it fit into a manilla envelope. As it turns out, a lot of laptops can fit in that same envelope... even the less than svelte mid '90s machines.

Add in a little violence against hipsters and you've got a parody video.

At the time this video came out (2008) I was attending college and boy howdy there were a lot of Macbooks around. It seemed like the de facto college/university tool for people looking to waste time on social media.

They did look good though, that's something Apple has been great at, ever since Jobs released the first iMac. 

I didn't get a Macbook for my studies, instead of social media my time waster of choice was PC gaming. I got myself first an Alienware, which overheated like a menopausal woman at an Ed Sheeran concert. I then moved to ASUS, which was cool as a cucumber. Now, when looking for a laptop, the cooling system is what I'm most interested in.

Join me, The Gillos, as I go through my list of YouTube favourites spanning 9 years of content curation. Enjoy!

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