Your all wankers....... Going for the ban ... witness my annual self destruction for freesteemCreated with Sketch.

in funny •  8 years ago  (edited)

Cunts, read this, your part of this oppressive culture of disgusting levels of ass licking and it is making my bum hurt, after raping myself for 3 hours straight as a form of penance for my sins, I have decided that it is high time to let you retards know, YOU WILL NEVER EARN MONEY FOR YOUR WORK HERE, not actual money anyhoo.

No need to follow, I'm going for the Ban now, the thought police will be here any minute now to keep you safe from the profanity, they cant save you from the nukes going up, but can save you from my GIANT FUCK YOU

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Does someone need a hug?

Yes I would love one, my cat just died, she saw me touching where I pee covered in my own feces and ran out into traffic, I will wash before any hugs.

lol, rant on... I have a slow weekend and I am going to record myself reading this in a sweet voice and see if I can make bank on it.

you will make more money selling farts in a jar

Seriously what were your expectations and how on Earth did you come up with them?

He's manically depressed and desperately wants any attention he can get. He made a few attempts at writing some "good" posts and is lashing out because it didn't get the upvotes that he expected when he bared his soul:

I was expecting you to bow at my small feet and all pay homage to the greatest writer since Stevie Wonder, I want an apology, and only if you beg may I bless you with another post. Your most welcome

hmm, let us know how that goes for you. lol.

Hi there, it went really well, for some reason my posts go down well, like your mum really. I gave you an upvote too, very nice.

Nice composition on the pic, you must be a photographer... Great Job!

Ty it took me ages, I like your boring posts to. Real nice stuff. Happy holidays Steemonian