Is Time Travel Possible?steemCreated with Sketch.

in funny •  7 years ago  (edited)

We all have moments in life we regret and wish to change; be it having never worked up the courage to ask that girl to the prom back in high school or not picking 42, 15, 72, 17, 28 and 6 for our Powerball numbers last week, if only we could somehow alter events in the past. Or perhaps we would like to skip ahead into the distant future where we can fight space aliens using our Lightsabre app on our smartphones (hopefully the battery life is better by then). These possibilities all boil down to the following questions: Is time travel possible? And if so, would there be any point to the limited availability of the McRib?

Can We Travel Forward In Time?

Now obviously I don't mean in the trivial sense - I very much realize we're all technically slogging along through time at 1x speed with no choice in the matter. But is there a way to hit the fast forward button through all the boring parts in life like in that Adam Sandler film Click, which ironically represents 2 hours that most of us who've seen the movie wouldn't mind having back? Well according to science (the Bible remains silent on this issue so we don't have anything else to go by), the answer is a surprising yes. Unless you already knew that, then the answer is an unsurprising yes.

It turns out the elapsing of time, just like the pronunciation of the word tomato, isn't universal for everyone. Special relativity dictates that the rate at which one experiences time with respect to others is dependent on the speed at which one travels. If the Flash felt a little guilty about his triple cheese burger lunch and decided to go for a jog around the park for say, 6 years at 90% of the speed of light, the rest of the world will have aged 15 years in that very same period of time. This phenomenon is known as time dilation - the faster you travel, the less time you experience relative to everyone else. Theoretically you can travel infinitely into the future if you hit light speed. So if you've just been convicted of a serious crime and are looking at a good chunk of hard time, just ask for a cell travelling near the speed of light and you'll be back on the streets selling crack to kids again in no time.

The time dilation experienced increases exponentially as you approach the speed of light

Can We Travel Backward In Time?

While many of you would argue that we'd already managed to set the clock back 20 years in the last election, what I'm referring to is the 88 miles an hour Marty McFly type of time travel. Things are a little more controversial here, but there is some indication that this is impossible. Take the old Grandparents Paradox for instance: if you go back in time and prevent your grandparents from ever meeting, you wouldn't exist; but if you didn't exist, you couldn't go back to prevent them from meeting and therefore you'd still be around. Say what you will, but considering the state of my love life, I'm starting to suspect my future grandchild very likely succeeded somehow.

There are some who disagree however, and subscribe to very elaborate theories including infinite cylinders, cosmic strings or wormholes. The latter is often explained by punching a pencil (wormhole) through a folded sheet of paper (space-time) and is about as useful to understanding time travel as watching your 7th grade teacher put a condom over a banana was to attracting girls.

I'll show you my infinite cylinder if you show me your wormhole

Yet if unconditional time travel into the past was possible, the full body of knowledge, technology and resources accumulated throughout the ages will be shared across the entire timeline of the universe. Every single moment since the dawn of time will be perfectly optimized to the maximum extent allowed by the pinnacle of science. Every elementary particle will be meticulously and immutably arranged in a way that provides the greatest perpetual existence for all. Therefore, either travelling back in time is impossible or someone has to explain to me how the molecules arranged into a piece of Lego and strategically placed where I would tread with my barefoot last night represents this optimal arrangement. So while we may be stuck with global extreme poverty, climate change and genocide, rest assured that it is highly unlikely the future leader of the human resistance has been assassinated by a robot sent back in time by SteemNet.

Oh and give us the McRib all year round dammit!

Image sources 1,2,3

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I really enjoy your writing style @trafalgar! Are we witnessing the rise of a new star on Steemit?

Have to agree with the master of bones - great Steemian with awesome content @trafalgar

haha you're too kind to say
it actually takes me a while to write out one of these pieces, so the frequency of my posts will never be very high

No kidding, the writing of @trafalgar is something to be admired. A very engaging, witty, and humorous style but still conveying solid messages and thoughts! Nice job noticing @kus-knee!

Breaking news: McDonalds has invented a time travel machine for temporal arbitrage of food commodities.


Seriously though, awesome post!

Loved your insight on the non-universality of the word 'tomato', the melancholic mention of the world going 20 years back in the last election and last but not the least, a rare peek into your love life ;) :D

hahaha thanks for reading through it =)

Along with technological developments, it may be possible, keep your imagination.

thanks for checking it out

Cleverly written! I enjoyed it!

thank you for reading

Interesting article! especially the part of travelling backward, tbh it's kinda confusing but interesting to read.

thank you, it's mostly a bit of satire, but I suppose my writing skills aren't up to scratch yet to convey both insight and humor

You welcome, no no actually you did good making it look simple and people will understand it!

Let this ordinary, non-holiday day become good, good, joyful. He will bring you a good mood and the consciousness that life is beautiful.

haha thanks :)

Interesting... In fact, I was wondering myself about that theme of the time travel. I mean, who didn't regret some past actions? Who didn't wish to change it, to fix it in a way that your present could be different? I do and I hope one day someonce can invent a time travel machine... Like the McRib, by the way XD.

I'm glad you enjoyed the piece

You're welcome!

Very informative and interesting post! Great pictures! Thank you!

thanks for checking out my post


Every minute I travel a little further into the future. It's just a little, but it's enough!

I spent a good portion of last night bantering on @nonameslefttouse post called Bloody Mess and things got...gross, lol, and considering when you posted this, we had bloody messes and wormholes being blogged about at the same time...are you sure someone didn't go back in time and arrange that just to skeeve me out? (Because the universe revolves around me of course)
Incidentally the Simpsons and Marty McFly knew about Biff's rise to power. But I lean on the side of clairvoyance over time travel for all of these events (one of trafalgar's next posts: Are psychics real? ;) I think I have a slightly better shot at my prophecy coming true than @hanshotfirst's McRib delivery.

hahaha =)

Upvote, resteem, and follow you @trafalgar

thank you akiyoshi

I saw Predestination and believed it all. Now you are telling me that it is not possible. So who is lying?
Also, you might want to watch Timecrimes, which is a Spanish movie. It won't tell you what to believe, but it will most definitely be entertaining.

Ya I enjoyed predestination as well!
But I think if time travel is possible and unconditional we'll all be gods since the big bang until the end of the universe =)

timecrimes? I'll check it out, thanks

Or we would be just as stupid as we are now, just with an ability to travel in time instead of places, don't you think so? The greedy and egoistic thoughts, which destroy generations would not go anywhere IMO.
I mean, when I tried to tell Napoleon not to go to Russia, he didn't listen... oh wait, I was not supposed to tell this. Anyway, you should check people like Vanga or Messing, who kind of traveled to future (or at least saw the future (or at least they say so)). Nobody, including Hitler and Stalin, listened to them. The upshot? They all failed (thankfully).

Stephen Hawking once quipped... "If time travel is possible, where are all the tourists from the future?"

It may actually be that this time period is just not an exciting period to see.
However occasionally we do find anachronisms...

When you see it, be sure to check your shorts for bricks

Pic above is real, unaltered, not photo-shopped.
I've seen really good explanations of why he may not be a time traveler, but they miss covering everything about this dude.

haha damn I feel sorry for that guy's grandfather :)

haha ya it's true
every period of time should represent the limits of science as time will no longer be a barrier to technological progress

Actually, in a universal sense, there's no such thing as time except as a method of measuring distances. Time as we frame it is merely a convenience.

Well by that standard there's no such thing as space except as a method of measuring distances. There's no such thing as matter except as a way of measuring mass and no such thing as mass except as a way of measuring energy.

There is time, there is space.

They form a single 4 dimensional fabric of "spacetime" and within this spacetime is this stuff we call mass/energy.

We move through time at the speed of causality, i.e. the speed of light. When we move through space we trade motion through time for motion through space and vice versa. This is the cause of time dilation as we approach the speed of light. It can be thought of as a type of inertial effect, like when you round a corner fast in a car.

You can think of time as being a negative curvature, that no matter which direction you turn, the only way to go is down. As long as you have mass. But if you are massless, then you are not effected by time at all. The entire universe would be a single instant.

Here's a fun video that sort of helps things click.

there is no evidence to suggest that travel backwards in time is possible.

Uhh there's actually quite a lot of evidence...

Just might not be accessible with our current tech. But a Type 2 civilization probably could.

show me your wormhole.
Oh that right...they too are theoretical.
computer simulations and mathematical calculations are not 'evidence'.
They are merely speculation.
But that's fine...notice that I said "I am not convinced".
Perhaps you convince more easily than I do.

By that token, black holes, extra solar planets even the big bang are merely speculation.

We don't know that wormholes are stable. In fact the math shows they'd be hard as hell to stabilize.

But we do know they exist because the math says they do, and they explain a hell of a lot. For instance Leonard Susskind has done work showing that quantum entanglement's non-locality problem can be best explained if the entangled pairs are connected via a wormhole.

I find math and physics pretty convincing even if it's simulations and models

black holes, extra solar planets even the big bang are merely speculation.
Imagine that.
Not extra solar planets. There is actual physical evidence to support that hypothesis....not just bits in a computer.

No, not really. You have dimming that has been measured as predicted in simulations. This is best explained by extra solar planets. We've never actually taken a pic of one.

dimming that has been measured..... actual physical evidence to support that hypothesis

Dude. Of course time travel is possible. Didn't you see the documentary Interstellar? All you need is love, gravity and some books. Simple.

Now look in your left hand.

What's that?

A McRib?


I did that.

But I can't tell you how.


trust me, if you knew what I was doing with my left hand and turned it into a McRib, I'd have a lot more to worry about than not getting the lotto numbers right ;)

Curses! I had a 50/50 chance and guessed wrong.

I guess you could always look for that special someone who really likes McRibs...

haha well my future grandson will have to be busy stopping me from meeting those ladies as well

And your middle aged foster child...

haha I forgot about that guy
I think he just wants to be breastfed
I'll be sure to put that on my tinder profile to see if there are any volunteers

You forgot about your child?!

Father of the year award for you for sure. Better make it up to him by getting that tinder thing going ASAP. Its tinder... I'm sure you'll find at least 7 takers.

I like your sense of humour😂. Great explanation without monotony.

thanks you for reading :)

Interesting post @trafalgar..funny...good work.Upvote and Resteemed.Greets

highly appreciated, glad you enjoyed it :)

I'll travel back to prevent myself being conceived maybe...

haha bad news, you failed


If time travel really was invented, and someone tried to go back in time to prevent their own creation, I can imagine a possibility that the whole universe would bend over backwards to prevent it, with ridiculous coincidences. Kinda like a reverse-Final Destination. There's definitely a movie there. :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

What if the concept of time is a misconception? Holographic Universe model of David Bohm for instance; Time is not a parameter in such model; Molecules are not real in such model; Most of all, All information of the Universe and everything in it, is part of everything.

Another interesting thought is the multiverse model, were we have infinite universes for each and everyone and the combination of all. Quite difficult to understand how this plays out in 'reality', but still interesting.

Time paradox and multiverse, and maybe even the Holographic Universe model and time travel was pretty nicely portrait in the movie Interstellar IMHO. Ok, ok, Interstellar was greatly produced, with super super effects! That helped a lot to propel this movie into my top of favoriete SF (euh, maybe not so SF) movies.

Don't get me wrong, I go along with the scientific community in their efforts and models to try to explain the Universe and everything in it. But we do not know a whole lot, actually. Therefore, anything is possible. Maybe even all the stuff writing in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy maybe more real than fiction; Who knows?! :)

ya cutting edge physics is fascinating but i'd be lying if i said I knew a lot about it
I just wanted to write a few jokes

Interstellar was cool, I especially enjoyed the part where they visited that water planet that orbited a black hole which greatly distorted time. I did foresee the ending though (when he entered the black hole) and found that part to be a little cliche and scientifically unfounded. Nevertheless it was a great movie

Ok Ok, Got You! :)

The ending of Interstellar was indeed not that special, but it is quite hard to visualise a concept where time is not a dimension. At least, that is what I got out of the story and ending, the writer and film producer wanted to bring the concept of time doesn't exists, amongst others. But then again, they wanted to show a lot of different concepts and 'realities', like the time experience versus speed, wormholes and such. All combined doesn't make sense, since when we do not have time as a parameters, wormholes are not required as a model, black holes also not. hahahaha, but I still love the movie :)

I loved it. Going to re-steemit

thanks a lot, appreciate it :)

You don't need time travel to win the lotto, just quantum suicide until your numbers match

haha now why didn't we all think of that :)

it is difficult for me to understand... however interesting....^^

haha thanks for attempting to read abdullar, it's not really deep or insightful, I mostly just pick a random topic and write a few silly jokes :)

it is possible! oh well! in our mind for sure. I went to a party in my hometown last night, where i didnt live for a very long time, called Superfly ( famous classic movie of my youth) I heard the same funk and soul like in my twens, even the people looked the same and I was not even high on my usual Gin Tonic. I traveled back in time, feeling and listening to the same sound again. It was kind of trippy or maybe I just getting old 🙀 and all comes around in circles.
I said to my friend Isabella who Dj-ed those days. "Girl we are in the middle of a time machine ride."
Funny to find this post today .
I am writing a follow up article with some photos

haha awesome, ya I think in a way our memories serve as a time machine

That's all it is I think , just a rollercoaster ride of our mind , filled with memories .

I venture we can go forward in time at various rates always above 0 but never backward. The physics of un-slicing an apple back to its original state seem baffling compared to slicing it.

I tend to agree

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

This Guy

este catoon te puede hacer pensar un poco mas

Great sense of humour. The comment ont the wormhole is genius !

Oh, what a fascinating story! I got a lot of fun! Thank you!

thanks olga

Future, yes. Past, impossible.

This Guy

This Guy

This Guy

This Guy

This Guy

This Guy

This Guy

This Guy

While many of you would argue that we'd already managed to set the clock back 20 years in the last election

LOL nice one. Haha, that was really entertaining to read, thanks. :D
In my honest opinion I think travelling back in time is impossible - but going slightly forward could be possible soon enough.

Reminded me of this comic somehow:

hahaha :)

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  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

I love your writing. Pls check mine. Thank you in advance :)

I liked the post, but I'd disagree and say it is more possible to travel to the past then it would be to travel to the future. I know that wouldn't make sense on paper with the academic understanding (or lack thereof) we have of time currently, but time will bring new answers to this question and along with it new understandings.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment