Ever Wondered why the Middle Finger was the Bad one???

in funnyhistory •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hey guys...

Firstly I want to start off saying sorry, this topic is a bit out of my comfort zone. But like many, I'm sure, we have been curious as to why or where this gesture came from. Many times I asked why this finger? Just why?!


It has been years since Google came into our lives but this was the first time I actually went and did a little digging.

So according to Wikipedia, this dates back to Ancients Greece and Rome (Shocker!). I always just thought the finger was only linked to phrases like f-off etc. I thought people saying it represented the male genitalia when "happy" was just dirty minded...jokes on me, they were right!!

So basically since the beginning, the finger meant sexual intercourse in a way to degrade the receiving party. Later it was known in Latin as the offensive finger. Especially when women (I assume these were witches) used the middle finger to mark foreheads etc for spells. I heard someone once say: "Like the Devil, the middle finger as many names." Personally this will make me think twice before flipping someone off in traffic or giving someone the bird during a disagreement.

Many believed this vulgar gesture was introduced in the United States via Italian Immigrants.

"The first documented appearance of the finger in the United States was in 1886, when Old Hoss Radbourn, a baseball pitcher for the Boston Beaneaters, was photographed giving it to a member of their rival the New York Giants."

Would've been nice if it died off somewhere hey?

I am a bit disappointed that there is isn't more to this, although, wasn't sure what I was expecting to begin with. Maybe some dirty minded little bugger played shadow puppets and came up this obscene story.
Ok but this topic is making me a bit uncomfortable now so I am going to end it here, short and sweet.


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Interesting post. I guess it's "sign language" known the world over. I heard somewhere about the V sign, not the peace one, used by us Brits came from English archers. They'd flash the V sign to their French enemies across the battlefield to show they still had their fingers, as the French would cut off English archers' fingers when they were captured.