Decentralized Planetary Nation - STEEMIT

in future •  9 years ago  (edited)

STEEMIT will become a real decentralized planetary nation with its own nation tools.

Decentralized planetary nation will grow a great power of influence.
Steemit is a practical example of upcoming decentralized planetary nation.

STEEMIT is country 2.0 with its own worldwide society, power system, economical system which is the most important feat to every nation the Financial system.

Sooner or later we will have our own representatives in Unated Nations and other most important global institutions. Representatives will represent our visions of the future civilization which has to evolve beyond Earth and go interstellar.

It is only the matter of time and work until we as decentralized society will develop all needed tools for our representatives to elect, finance, influence and manage in decentralized way.

Concerns. - When we will grow to strong decentralized planetary nation? When do we establish our own military power and real political influence as global nation without borders?

With our own military force we could bring real stability and peace - the worldwide practical Ecstatic Culture of pleasure. Not a corrupted USA notion of freedom - when you BOMB countries and say it is free now :D Yes we all can comprehend that this is for oil and other landmarks to grab in the competition fight of our specie.. Competition which can destroy our specie - the civilization miracle.

Where is this freedom when all your family is dead and cities destroyed?

Same centralized corrupted incompetence is with every centralized nation which is funded by centralized corrupted banking families cartels.

STEEMIT Decentralized Planetary Nation has to work with Ecstatic code of conduct.

We are building worldwide Ecstatic Culture beyond centralized power corruption of governments, banks, poverty, greed, political stupidity and etc .

Please, also, Check this article:

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