in future •  3 years ago 
The rapid development of communication technology cannot be separated from the role of humans themselves who create new technologies, so that human civilization and communication technology are closely related because technology helps humans to facilitate their activities. It can be said that technological progress is not proportional to the quality of human beings as a whole, only some can feel technological progress with various conveniences in it, while most cannot feel it, as an example case. Technological developments occur when a person uses his tools and wits to solve every problem he faces. In addition, the development of technology also facilitates communication and facilitates the work done by humans. The time used is more efficient in obtaining information, the information obtained is also accurate. Can help humans improve and utilize new energy sources that are useful for human survival. The attitude we can take towards the advancement of information technology is knowing and adjusting our needs for the information we want to get through information technology, knowing the extent of our privacy and respecting the privacy of others, using the benefits of information technology wisely by not violating the rule of law. applicable laws and the laws of our religion, change our perspective so that we care about advances in information technology and the impact it has. Don't forget to be wise in using and responding to these science and technology advances. Thus the negative impact of advances in information technology will be maximally suppressed.


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There's need to know about technology and get more advanced than just being on the basic.