You could say that this statement has been the story of humankind since the beginning. We were cave dwellers at one time and now we send actual robots to other planets! Do you even realize how huge that gap is?
We have been on an incredible journey of advancement and we have always managed to surprise our own selves. Who could have thought that the combination of a bunch of plastic, glass, silicon, and other metals would allow us to talk to each other instantaneously?
And yet, we keep pushing the boundaries of what we consider impossible. We keep achieving things that we never thought we would. In a small but noteworthy example, SpaceX recently reused a single booster for the 6th time.
For those of you who don't know, SpaceX has had this capability for quite a long time now. Instead of dumping their rockets after a single use, they can use it again and again (much like how airplanes can be used again and again after each flight).
Going Places
The company has come a long way in its short existence. It became the first private company to launch humans into space recently. Also, it has been one of the leaders in propulsive landing that has allowed it to reuse rockets.
In addition to all of this, SpaceX is now building the Starship that will be capable of taking us back to the Moon and even to Mars. Technically, as Elon Musk has stated on multiple occasions, the Starship will be able to take us anywhere in the solar system with only a few adjustments according to the planet that we'll be visiting.
This right here is the most exciting thing that is going on right now. In science fiction movies, they show spaceships that easily travel between planets in the solar system and it's time humanity makes that a reality.
If the Starship project becomes successful, which is likely considering SpaceX's history, then we will truly become a spacefaring civilization within just a few decades from now.