Technologies that will change the world in the next 30 years

in future •  7 years ago 

The world is improving every hour, creating and discovering something new, and without these achievements, we would not have progressed so far. Scholars, researchers, developers and designers from around the world are trying to translate that simplifies our life and make it more interesting.

1 Bioluminescent trees (Source:

The development team decided to create bioluminescent trees using an enzyme occurring some jellyfish and fireflies.
Such trees can illuminate the streets and help passers-by to see at night. A small version of the project was already developed in the form of a plant glowing in the dark. The next step will be the trees that illuminate the streets.

2 Biorefrigerators (Source: )

The Russian designer proposed the concept of a refrigerator called "Bio Robot Refrigerator", which cools the food with the help of Biopolymer gel. It has no shelves, compartments and doors-you simply insert the food into the gel.
The biopolymer gel of the refrigerator uses the light generated at cold temperature to store the products. The gel itself has no odor and is not sticky, and the refrigerator can be installed on the wall or on the ceiling

3 Floating cities (Source: )

The floating ecopolis, named Lilypad, was proposed by architect Vincent Kalleba (Vincent Callebaut) for future climate refugees as a long-term solution to the problem of sea level rise. The city can accommodate 50 000 people using renewable energy sources.

The floating structure consists of three "petals" and three mountains, which surround the artificial lagoon in the center, collecting and purifying water.

It uses the energy of wind, sun, tidal forces and other alternative energy sources and even collects rainwater

A little bit of myself.
Owning English is a problem for me, so in the article there are a lot of mistakes, I would like to have you pointed at them, I would be very happy:)
If you suddenly want to contact: [email protected]

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I hope I can retire on a floating city. Be nice to go outside to go sailing or suba diving.

I think in the next 15 years you can do it :)

Wonderful!Future technology!
I am very excited about the evolution of the refrigerator

When I found out about the refrigerator, I laughed for a very long time, but the technology itself is very interesting :)

My friends are also very surprised.
"This is the technology of the universe! "

Thanks for your post!

The love for this or that city is determined by the feelings that it had to experience, not the city itself. I liked your post. Good luck to you and have a nice day.

Great article and very well written too, thanks for sharing this information. I loved the bioluminescent trees idea, and floating cities would be amazing! I wonder how laws would work as technically it would be under maritime juristiction, something to think about anyway in the equation 😊

  1. I would be excited to see all three of these in the future, if I am even alive when they come into existence. There is limited land, which is being depleted of resources. If floating cities were to become a thing, that would give the land time to regenerate. The oceans in the world are, basically, "available. I would be hesitant about what it might do to the creatures living in the ocean. However, It's not like we are not harming them now with our pollution and overfishing. Plus, floating cities could potentially be a solution for population density because of loss of land/metropolises due to rising sea levels.

  2. I dunno about refrigeration gel but sounds neato. lol

  3. Bioluminescent trees actually does not sound too far fetched to me. I mean, there ARE bioluminescent mushrooms. Mycelium is a big factor in the ecosystem as far as forests go. I view mycelium as the nervous system of the planet, if that makes sense. I might understand it wrong, but that is how it seems since these mycelium spans hundreds of miles in some cases between forrest and trees. If that glow in the dark compound that is in those mushrooms, or jellyfish/whatever, can be taken up into the trees, that would be really interesting and potentially eliminate the need for streetlights.

thank you for the intriguing post.

I love the Lilypad City! It needs to also be cleaning the plastic from the ocean on which it floats...