FUTUREPIA,Emotional Social Network Platform based blockchain builds SNS integrated service

in futurepia •  7 years ago  (edited)

Futurepia revealed to build the emotional social networking platform based blockchain.

Futurepia is the brand launched by sigmachain. It makes the biggest network to SNS market service so that makes decentralized networks to apple the technical service.

It will be a growth engines industry that gets a spark up in personal information security with SNS service based blockchain system.

SNS service section currently surpasses the simple chatting. As a result,
There are various shape of complex fields like blog, open-market, payment, broadcasting, advertisement platform, game, the press, real-time streaming service, community and so on.

The biggest service platform can make connect to each other in blockchain, and a participant exercises their rights and asset through token like FPC.

There had been much debate on the issued of technique commercialization based blockchain : Ethereum, Tender mint,Cardano. Especially, security and speed.

That issue eventually remains an unsolved homework about how to apply and supply the algorithm that puts together an agreement each node.

To sum up, simply the stages of development of existing technology
Using the hashpower's hash power
From POW, where you can buy blocks by using the value of college, to authentication and verification, POS method that is eligible for certification and verification through equity certification, DPOS, etc., can be selected and agreed upon.

In addition, a lot of improvement of mothod is improving.

Sigmachain CEO, Gwak jin yeong said, “we are developing blockcahin itself DDPOS to support Dapp service excel rating”

According to Gwak jin yeong, sigmachain CEO, currently is reflecting the processing speed.
It is a lack of figure to realize the service.

FUTUREPIA, which is currently developing in its Sigma chain, combines the selected sigma node in its own algorithm into a specific number of master nodes that are currently selected through user votes based on the DPOS method that has improved the POS approach.

DDPOS makes to improve the blockchain’s weakness that transaction of processing speed til 100,000TPS. And The algorithm have further strengthened the section of security.

He revealed that he has a plan to support a lot of platform through business agreement
and supplies a lot of business enterprise to Dapp service excel rating to the beginning of the futurepia.

SNS service centralized server reaches breaking point. When there is an obstruction at borders and certain industries, it is difficult to get a smooth service.

Even if the server pays a hug amount of money to solve the problem, it will eventually lead to a service failure if external requirements are not established.

Blockchain SNS service in futurepia is developing with a lot of developers who develop the cyworld that

FPC coin issuance of the subject is located in Singapore. It is paying attention that blockchain SNS service of global strategy through overseas corporation.

CEO Gwak jin yeong is rewarded ‘2018 the global economy for cultural development’ the April in the National Assembly.

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