The Future May Well Be Science Utopia: The Mars Question Revisited

in futurism •  7 years ago 

Science is cool. Science is just so dang cool.

I mean, we've got some exciting shit going on right now, folks. It's a truly spectacular time to be alive.

There's decentralized currencies, artificial intelligence, commercial space travel, virtual reality, and, as always, the internet. You know, just to name a few.

This Friday we're looking at big news as far as space is concerned. Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and a bunch of other stuff is going to be making an announcement related to his big plans for starting a colony on Mars within the next 10 years at the IAC (International Astronautical Conference). We can probably look forward to getting some updated timelines, some information on the actual rocket and ship that will be used to transport people, and likely other tidbits we aren't expecting.

As space becomes a thing, it's worth beginning to ask ourselves the question: "Would you go if you could?"

I polled a lot of my friends about this, and mostly there was a lot of concern about whether they could come back. For my own part I'm only a little concerned about that. Mostly I'm wondering what the conditions will be like there. I mean, there's been very little discussion of that.

Musk, for his own part, has made it clear that the journey would have to fun and interesting for people to want to go. Otherwise, getting to critical mass for a population on Mars (Musk says it'll be around a million people) will be impossible. "Fun" for modern first-worlders usually means plenty of good food, great entertainment, bars, and more bars. Having a martini while making history is not a bad gig, no?

But don't go packing your suitcase just yet. The trip will cost around 100,000 USD per person (assuming that includes a round trip - Elon has also made it clear that he wants people to know that they can come back).

I'm waiting for Friday like it's Christmas.

Martini, anyone?

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if there is a trip back I will start saving my 100,000 from now!

also why there is't much talk about a colony on the moon? won't it be easier and more people would go for that?

I know, right?

As far as the moon, it turns out that it's actually more expensive to start a colony on the Moon. Because it has no atmosphere it would require much more radiation shielding and temperature protection. Also, it doesn't exactly have much in the way of resources (as far as we currently know).

So for these reasons Elon doesn't see it as very practical.

o thanks! that makes sense :)

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