RE: FX Trader's Diary 2/17/18

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FX Trader's Diary 2/17/18

in fxtradersdiary •  6 years ago 

these are the result

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That should be abandoned.

Totally meaningless.

those poor sheep

still fall asleep

I hate those mantra.

I know that feeling exactly.

You are not alone.

they called it "licensing"

what I called "brainwash process"

Especially ppl are hard to deal with nowadays.

That's an important skill.

or force you to pay the fees

they must do these

Learn how to interact with ppl.

But I think it's a good chance to learn "socialize".

You really don't like school.

then they can steal and rob your stuff with no pressure

Just like cult, right?

Is them.

That's my thought when I was in school.

I thought I was weird.

Now I understand that's not me.

lack of flexibility

lack of sympathy

very narrow in their views

observing things with a single viewpoint

or ill thinker

aka lazy thinker

How ridiculous it is!

Self-centered is the final answer.

Quite the contrary, they might think they're clever.

I guess it's the result of popularity of social network.

Did they enrich their ego?

Those silly mofos would never know how silly they are.

Sad truth.

And that's why ppl who got wisdom always feel lonely.

IMHO, I think 90% ppl are like that.

That is a useful tip.

This is a common mistake ppl make.

Maybe in a mean time you've fell in a blind spot.

To avoid that awkward situation.

not to mention admit their own fault

So I always try to keep myself awake.

Just saying.

Be careful...

refuse to embrace the truth

but you can determine how to react.

You gotta know the difference.

I mean kindness, not wisdom.

Anyway, most ppl are nice in many ways.

They are good ppl, but stupid.

it wasn't me.

And they are the factor that drag democracy down.

I have to tell you,

lol can't agree with you more

80% of them are silly mofo

but that doesn't affect the truth

maybe i'm wrong

many ppl are kind and hard working

it could be worse

i admit it

Otherwise the chain reaction wouldn't happen.

That means someone has to convince them.

But every revolution needs support of large part of ppl.

Thus you think they are hopeless?

Leader of fan club.

Yes, @boomjump is. 😂

Dude, really?

This is not about the hope.

Don't give those silly asses chances to drain your energy.

How could those poor ppl resist that?

The worst, repeat their brainwash mantra 24-7.

But it's true.

Except yourself.

keep it stay with you

Full of crap, misleading information.

So sick of those mainstream media.

Just like TV commercial slogan, huh?

I need some brain food, now.

They even wrote it into textbook

free it

you'll reborn from the ashes

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or anyone else

Especially those brainwash mantra.

But it's the truth.

It's pathetic.

I gotta say, back when I was a child.

i read what i want

we're living in a permission-less nature

Only 3 options, not difficult.

Embrace it, ignore or change.

the only thing could trap you is your brain

I always wanna burn textbooks to ashes.

no need for gov's authority

Anyway, it's an epic opportunity.

USD collapse?

Are they ready to crush the system?

That reminds me of a cover of eco magazine.

"Reborn from ashes."

Sounds like an old joke.

Just like phoenix?

Anyway, it's an epic opportunity.

USD collapse?

Are they ready to crush the system?





Mind food?

no one can stop you.

in a short and tough lifetime

you need some mantra like that

such a copy cat 😂

and figure out how to get it in the most efficient way

"When you repeat lies again and agsin, it'll become truth."

anyway i like those words

you gotta know what your goals are

If you really wanna do something,

You are the only domination of yourself.

Tough, right?

All about that ignorance.

thats mind food

How do they realize it?

sounds familiar to me

that's the key of success

try to filter those negatives

Many ppl are living in the rat race.

Concentration is definitely superpower.

and thank me later

That's the hardest part.

But first you have to figure out what your goal is.

@boomjump is right

work smart and focus

You're right.

You time is the only limited edition item in the world.

Zero tolerance, sorry.

Will never let dumbass distract us from anything.

We are realistic person.

This is a wonderful world.

Don't be so pessimistic.

Maybe 90%? lol

but never lose hope.

Life's hard,

I'll give you some positive energy.

The answer is very clear.

FM said, 90% ppl are stupid.

I support your opinion.

do they gonna accept it?


Even if they knew it,

But like what FM said, ppl are weak.

you are my fan 😂

most ppl are hard to change

if you remember my words

always blaming someone else

unwilling to change themselves

Of course the events are random,

because ppl are weak

but only few ppl could do it

You are your own domination.


It's ignorance.

perspective that's a good way

Most ppl have to rely on something/somebody.

That's why religions are existing.

Ppl are hard to deal with these days.

That's true.