RE: FX Trader's Diary 2/17/18

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FX Trader's Diary 2/17/18

in fxtradersdiary •  7 years ago 

"Black Swan"

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Um...nope, it's mathematics!

Kinda trick. 🤓

over 51% win ratio, that's why casino makes profit

we are just playing the possibilities

sure, no one could

To be honest, I can't predict future.

It's purely mathematics.

So beautiful and reliable.

mathematics can point out the direction

Is it 51% attack? ha ha

and prove the truth

just ancap

You can find some of his works on Mises.

Did you read Murray Rothbard?

Worth reading!

You will understand everything is investing.

At least you realized it's stereotype.

I know that!

"Do not cheat yourself."

To be a rational self

Yap, it's the toughest thing in lifetime

thus you could head to the next level

That's why it's hard to trade in the zone.

I prefer to invest.

this is a industry needs latest knowledge

You're one step closer than you think.

Most important of all, Never quit.

The pace of trading is too fast.

So weekly chart is my basis.

never stop learning

well said

but never give up

Stay in the market.

Control the risks.

Practice makes perfect.

you can take a rest

1.75 is that high? Think about it.

How about the trend of DXY index?

What kind of level do you guys think it will affect the market?

Profit could be higher than that easily.

3.5 in one shot, c'mon!

Stock market overreact.

Show me your determination, FED.

But actually the interest rate is pretty low now.

A lil bit nervous.

It's about to disclose the interest rate.

that's what I called jumpy traders

how long do you think inflation can last?

we're in the 5th wave

some ez points just freaking those retail traders out

but we all knew crowd's memory only last 3 seconds.

Now we know Mr.Zuck was no reputation,

Those who fund google, twitter, linkedin...etc.

Soon, bang, reborn from the ash.

how did i find out

especially that kinda witch nonsense hunting

and social violence

it's the greatest lie in history

we've been taught to obey the majority

when you realize 85% of human race is dumb fuck

that's mad

Come on! 85?!

So this is why you've mentioned it before?

That "Final Solution" thing.

And it is the reason why democracy don't work really well.

It's terrible, dude!

YAP, that final solution thing is nonsense .

it will train your ability

Judge something before they fully understand.

Ha ha, 60?!

They think they're smart enough and already know everything

I don't think so.

you'll understand what FM said.

But if you try to teach them something,

Especially you've got family to feed.

95% will not take the risks.

Risk always follows choice.

life is cruel and mean

but i have to say

life will not gives you something directly,

thus frame themselves

So they can't afford to lose.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

But remember, life is a journey of choices.

If you wanna find some excuses, a lot.

"The biggest risk is not to take the risk."

maybe they dare not dreaming

but everything happens for some reason

it's a joke c'mon

You know, most people must face to living.

Some of them might be thinking in that way.

Run away from it? Hell nah!

you know me

That's eloquent!

One side is choice, the rest is risk.

You will never know what's come up with.

if you could, that's temporary

so take it! amigo!

nobody's runaway

we've already taken the risks

from the moment we've been given a life

I think it's slightly over 60.

Why should we sacrifice the most to the few ppl's arrogant ego?

Why should we go through these over and over.

in my opinion, the incentive sys will win the long run

No question about it.


pure capitalism, pure beauty of economic

ready for the party dudes

They think they're the master, no doubt.

most ppl don't even know it

Ppl really have to take these into their consideration.

Why do they send ppl to the battlefields, but not themselves?

Dudes, that's the real "once in a lifetime".

We are in the worst generation, also the best.

That's just a trick of those bigwigs.

ho ho ho, that's csw's goal

If ppl don't support their stupid nationalism,

If they try to declare a war, just screw them!

everything will be great.

Maybe you're right.

we'll have a brand new monetary system.

This society sucks.

That would be the greatest thing in history.

Maybe few years later,

Can we change it? Yes.

The public will begin to re-examine those entrepreneur.

Do you think this would lead to the domino effect?

You guys are really serious about this issue.

"final solution", no wonder mark zuckerberg loves it

These poor fellas just don't know what's up.

They provide free service (actually not),

only way to make human race disappear is to screw ourselves

Even submit their usage data to a CIA-like company.

no race can survive forever so far

and people show up.

i was wondering that might be the "natural solution"

there will be a break point, but who knows, ppl sucks

no question about it

I guess this guy is a demon to you.

I like that example

neither of these should be given up

maybe when the public know the ambition of those corruptive, oscar's actor-like politicians

not every hero wears a cape

i agree, no doubt

The privacy thing is really an issue.

Snowden, Assange, Dotcom...etc

go check those real hero's efforts

Those two are extremely basic, none of them should be give up.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

"Security vs freedom, which one you want?"

What kind of nonsense!

All of that is disgusting.

Typical sanctimonious hypocrite.

He is!

That freaking data-collectingholic country.

After the taxation, I guess it can last longer.

I have no idea what's going on.

I guess you guys could understand what do I mean.

But that dropping was quite scary.

So you think the time is not now.

...are trying to mega suicide.

Are you sure?

Because of the surging CPI.

If we use it wrong, maybe we're the first race in history...

...that would be totally insane!

Just like Musk said.

The FUD will get worse.

If Robot get high grade AI...

and it will be bound by the logic of the coder or trader

And now we got A.I. (Automation Idiot) trader

but not that kinda disaster gonna bury the market

Panic seller all around.

ai is still immature

it's gonna affect... a lil bit

If we use it correctly.

Market is really overreact.

now we just get the emotional program

i don't think any successful trader will leak their own strategies

In fact, it's not gonna affect China's CPI.


AI + Robot gonna improve our life quality.

Maybe we'll get the independent thinking AI.

watch out the break point

I think it's the hardest thing in the world,

most people will try to cheat themselves first.

When you face to a struggle,

This is a sign of free thinker.

he's a legend

and Rothbard is the most "rebel jew" ever

i'm not racist

just some false stereotype has accumulated day by day

Sowell's writing is worth reading, too.

Follow the steps:

i'm not atheist

So that means you believe in math?

Aka atheists.

Believe in proof.

That's logic and science.

But we're getting closer.

Of course, we know very little about the universe.

I trust proof, not believe

believe means BS - Believing System

that's religion

isn't it?