Girk-Fit-Nir Galatic alliance

in galatic •  7 years ago  (edited)

There are nearly a infinte number of alliances and cilivizations just in our universe but they are not fixed and u all believe it or not all change our entire universe by simply changing yourself!
The pleadians don't say thoughts create so create the very best! - Just for fun sure but also they love all of you and would enjoy seeing all of you having a more fun and enjoyable and easy life... & many others things u have compartmentilsed also. That and is sort of a reminder to you that u are creating everything u experiance.
So you can can use this in any what that you want. Although it will be easier generally if you eventually use it for the benefit of all as they are us so you then in turn benefit yourself!
MAny of the belvolent beings here visiting and living on your world some in parallel realities or just not choosing 2 show themself to you if you are positive enough and truely are ready for them and 2 interact in a way beneficial 4 both.

We are not here 2 control you or change you in any way! But to be loving friends . The same way any beings are friends we are you and you are us! So there is no need 2 fear other aspects of ourselves . Although we understand it but love your fears for you can transform them by not running from them and examing them with positivey as best as you can! So you can when you are ready transform them into light!
It will feel quite amasing to you 2 clear these blocks! Many many of us went threw similar things to your world in our own lifetimes to. So we understand what you are going and have been threw but it is believe it or not all positive for your soul. Even though you might not understand that yet or can see it that way.
This is alright.
Although you can interact with any of us or any being u can imagine in your dreams or learn to even do many other amasing things that will make you feel quite happy and amased that you can do!

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You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

MAny of the belvolent beings here visiting and living on your world some in parallel realities or just not choosing 2 show themself to you if you are positive enough and truely are ready for them and 2 interact in a way beneficial 4 both.
It should be truly instead of truely.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Great transmission and a wonderful presentation!
~~~Thanks for this this blessed information! ~~~
