in gambling •  6 years ago  (edited)

The gambling and betting markets are growing rapidly, bringing the user experience to a whole new level. Today’s total gambling market capitalization, according to some sources, is estimated at more than $ 400 billion and demonstrates huge growth potential, embracing new technologies and innovations. Over the past few decades, everything has moved toward being smart, starting from smart homes, moving into our everyday lives with smartphones, smart watches, and smart cars.

We have entered a beautiful optimization era, where technology is aimed at customizing and customizing existing systems to improve their productivity, improve user experience, make it smarter and faster, and more importantly – eliminate unnecessary components. This trend is supported and embraced by manufacturers worldwide.

With years of experience in the gambling and gambling industry, the leaders of KLS PROFILE are at the forefront of Bitcoin adaptation. Beginning in early 2011 we have prospered from the new possibilities that have been brought on by blockchain. The time has come to put our experience and expertise in both blockchain, cryptocurrencies and especially bets, for good use.


PROOF OF TOSS is a decentralized betting ecosystem that is aimed to modernize and change the bettingindustry. Our platform allows anyone to create wagers, bet and judge – all for the purpose of winning TOSS tokens. What sets PROOF OF TOSS apart from the rest, is that we also cater to existing Bookmakers and other “players” of the betting industry.

By providing a solution that serves as a gateway to the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies with all their perks, we aim to enhance the betting experience, while increasing the service provider’s profit margins and market coverage.

PROOF OF TOSS is aimed at improving the experience for all market “players” by solving the following problems:

  • Fraudulent activities and lack of trust
  • Long verification processes
  • Reliance on centralized systems
  • Lack of control over personal funds


PROOF OF TOSS is the most democratic ecosystem for betting, where Players will find rare, interesting Wagers and possibly the best odds available in the industry. If they fail to find an event that they want to bet on, Players can transform into Originators and create Wagers of their own, publish them in the PROOF OF TOSS ecosystem and earn TOSS tokens with no risk. Furthermore, those Users that want to earn with virtually no risk, may try on the role of a Judge. An honest Judge never loses.


1 - Transparency of all transactions.

Leveraging blockchain technology we have reached a maximum level of transparency for all transactions within the ecosystem. Every user will be able to monitor all payments, payouts and other transactions himself.

2 - Control over personal funds with one Wallet.

Users never lose control over their funds. Funds move from Wallet to Smart Contract to Wallet. Making payments, deposits and withdrowals instant and under full control of the user.

3 - Various roles.

We provide vast opportunities to win for all our users. A user can either create a Wager, place a Bet or join the DCJ as a Judge. Users can only take on one role at a time. However, our token holders are not restricted from having multiple wallets.

4 - Irreversible transactions and high level of responsibility of all users.

What goes on the blockchain stays on the blockchain. We believe that the inability to revert or change a transaction after it is written into the smart contract and published on the blockchain will increasethe level of responsibility for all the Users of the ecosystem.

5 - Fair results.

We are using the wisdom of the crowd in all our Judging and Challenge mechanisms. Employing the “prisoner's dilemma” with clear risk and reward for any action taken by the crowd and relying on our random number generator to select Judges we ensure that every decision will be right and true, if such decision is unreachable the Wager is cancelled and players immediately receive a full refund.

6 - No terminations of service.

The PROOF OF TOSS ecosystem is fully decentralized in terms of funds ownership. Each user retains full control over their wallet and therefore will always retain their right to access and interact with the ecosystem.

7 - Equal opportunity.

The User’s role in the ecosystem is flexible, Users may switch roles at their own desire. The rules of use are strictly embedded in Smart Contracts, therefore all users are treated equally. The platform is not storing user’s personal data and no financial data is required to start betting.

8 - Pseudonymity.

The PROOF OF TOSS ecosystem holds no personal information about users. Users are only exposing their identity when they purchase or sell tokens on a third party marketplace that requires KYC verification. All transactions are irreversible and transparent therefore the identity and transactions of a user could be reverse engineered. Once on the platform, you don’t need to prove your identity or present any personal data. We are required to collect KYC data during our Token Sale, however, that nformation will only be stored to verify users and is required by regulatory bodies.

9 - High speed of transactions.

PROOF OF TOSS is developed on RSK’s smart contracts which are built as a side-chain of the Bitcoin Blockchain. This provides us with the opportunity to leverage great transactional speeds of 100 transactions per second and reduce costs.


1,000,000,000 TOSS tokens There is a fixed amount of TOSS tokens to be released. Unsold tokens will be distributed amongst all contributors in proportion to their initial contribution.

During the Token sale, everyone who complies with our terms and conditions and passes the KYC check will be able to purchase TOSS tokens (released through an ERC20 smart contract) these tokens will be exchanged by TOSS token (released on RSK once the network is ready) in proportion 1:1. This action will grant all users of the ecosystem equal rights and reduce speculative buys.

Price : 1 TOSS = 0,17 USD

TOSS tokens will be distributed as follows:

  • 30% (300 M TOSS tokens) are reserved for the core team (7%), bounty (1%), whitelist (1%),
    founders (10%) and 11% for the PROOF OF TOSS Foundation.

  • 70% (700 M TOSS tokens) will be distributed amongst all buyers of Token, according to their
    purchase, and the bonus that applies.

  • Taking into consideration the complexity of this project we have established the Hard Cap at the level of 50 M USD, while Soft Cap is 6 M USD.

  • All tokens will be sold according to the following rate: 1 TOSS equals 0.17 USD.

  • Tokens that won’t be sold will be distributed between buyers in proportion to their purchases.

  • In case the Soft Cap is not reached all purchases will be returned to purchasers .

The Bounty Campaign will run from February 6th to March 20th ONLY. Current Week : ONE (February 6th-February 12th). As a way to reward our community, we are distributing 1% of all Tokens in our Bounty Program. Total Bounty Budget : 10,000,000 Toss Tokens. The bounties will be paid within 30 days after the end of the Token Sale.












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