1.35 Behindthelines
2.05 Uncle Alastair
2.35 Cockley Beck
3.10 Shanroe Street
3.45 Un Noble
4.20 Precious Cargo
1.25 My Amigo
1.55 Topamichi
2.25 Highly Approved
3.00 Time To Blossom
3.35 Danzan
4.10 Jorvik Prince
Down Royal
1.05 Goose Man
1.40 Goldmineinthesky
2.10 Ardmillan
2.45 Celtic Rising
3.20 Guided By You
3.50 Urbanist
4.25 Harrie
1.15 Springtown Lake
1.45 Rock And Roll King
2.15 Stuccodor
2.50 Enola Gay
3.25 Triple Chief
3.55 Chandos Belle
4.05 Desert Ruler
4.40 Vale Of Kent
5.15 Swissie
5.45 The British Lion
6.15 Oriental Lilly
6.45 Poppy In The Wind