Hi Steemit, we met again, this time I post about the game line age which will be coming soon,
The Story of The Line Age II Revolution
Elmoreden Empire collapse entered the dark ages. Different areas of mutual declared its independence from the Kingdom, which led to a bloody battle in the conquest to claim sovereignty. In the midst of it, it appears something that causes fear in the hearts of all people. They are the Dark Society, led by Beleth, black magician. Dark Society believes that the true authority stems from the terror instilled in people are weak, and they embark on a secret conspiracy to cause chaos in the world. They are the people who convinced Emperor Baium of Elmoreden to build Tower of's fragrance Insolence. Before a sense of envy and dark energy can penetrate the soil, Hardin, a second greatest witch Beleth, blocking the path of the Dark Society. Hardin has been keeping an eye on the activity of the Dark Society and managed to halt their plans. However, as time went on, his efforts were not enough to stop the Dark Society, and he decided to ... Silverlight Was Mercenary. A new chapter in the history of the main character starts when by chance join the Silverlight Mercenary.]