Magic: The Gathering Online Stream: More Goblins

in game •  7 years ago 

Had a few horrible games, getting bad draws with durdling decks, so fancied smacking down an opponent with aggro Goblins.


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Oh my, I played magic the gathering when it was alpha and first edition... I had everything until Mirage expansion... like "everything" at least 3 or 4 of each card, I opened a store to trade the cards and get comics and figures cheaper LOL... But things happened, I moved, all that was left behind and years after the cards were like rocketing in prices :) better NOT to think of it LOL
don't think it Pris

black lotuses...
don't think it Pris


Oh wow.

Well, it's my favorite game for sure. I have a ton of cards but I rarely get to play IRL. MTGO is great though, I can get a game any time I like.

What types of decks did you like to play?

Forests and Plains... white and green and artifacts mostly... Serra Angels, Regrowth... I still keep a crappy deck someone gifted me in order to play many years after, but as I worked in a collectible and geeky store, if I had kept them hahaha XD as I say, rather not to think much about it.
I also collected all lotr cards (including dragons expansion) , Legend of the Five Rings... those were the years I used to play and role game when I was in University.