Bits farm /game

in game •  7 years ago 

Un juego que te enseña a cuidar el medio ambiente , a sembrar , cuidar tus plantas y obtener sus frutos ..Un juego que por hacer todo lo mensionado te genere ingresos en cryptomoneda , osea que por jugar a cuidar el medio ambiente te pague ... Es practicamente un estudio pagado , tu que esperas para jugarlo ? Aprovecha y entra que los creadores estan regalando 258 semillas gratis para todos los que ingresen antes de la beta abierta/A game that teaches you to take care of the environment, to sow, care for your plants and get their fruits. A game that does everything possible to generate income in cryptocurrency, which means that you can play the environment pay you. Is it practically a paid studio, what do you expect to play? Take advantage and enter that the creators are giving away 258 free seeds for all those who enter before the open beta DQmdn7m5qtvibNCYWfJo3ZeegwWrLrdExNsP2mqSA2kkFYg.png

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