Trivia: ID these....

in game •  7 years ago  (edited)


A short while a go, on a nice lttle walk along a magical beach, I spot a man just finished with spear fishing with rewards hanging on his waistline. With permission, of course, I zoomed in on this afternoon catch.

Based on these fresh seafood on his backside, would you like to try your luck at identifying all these sea creatures?!! Go ahead, have some fun with it! I’d love to see how many of them you can correctly identify. Lets’ go!!!

Although I don’t have much but a full upvote is given for your ID with correct name(s) and the most ID(s). Good luck!


Much mahalo for your participation and as always, until we meet again, have a wonderful day.


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A Great White shark and an octopus

Lol, a Great white shark!!! The octopus, definitely! Have a great day!

craw fish, carp, angel fish


Aloha @c77hall. Thank u for participating but not quite.