Crisis Action is a multiplayer real-time eSports FPS (Shoot First Person Shoot) free mobile games that are published by Hero Game. Using Unity 3D technology and having sharp 3D graphics, players can experience thrilling action and real firing feelings.
Crisis Action is available in Southeast Asian countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines since the end of 2015, there are many professional eSports tournaments that have been held since the launch of the game. One of the major offline tournaments Crisis Action was held in August 2016 at Four Seasons Hotel, Jakarta.
This game makes the group history CAI (Crisis Action Indonesia) created in 2069 made by Crazy Cat With led by the administrators: - Hanif Kurniawan - Reza Aditya - Nico Farizy - Muhammad Ibnu Malik - Bintang Sumargi - Sinungging - Abi Genduuuuttttt Etc., old.player from Savior server from team GChaos (Y Leadernya G ryan -> the legend of hackers) & Alliance server Team Seller legend price destroyer (6K dm normal 1.5jt so 700K, if you remember, you know who I am) World this is just a game, play your role to stay alive. Source