in game •  7 years ago 


You just started PUBG, but the game was hard and boring; There are so many things you need to know and follow in the game. The solution of this situation that every new beginner lives is simple! The tips we'll share in this article will keep you alive until the end of the game! Of course you have a bit of work to be the 1st.


Spend your first hours trying to find the place where you feel most comfortable. In this way you can gain both game experience and you will have confidence in the progress of the game. For example, some players choose to jump to silent zones. In general, with the lower level loot, the game continues its first stages and the chances of dying are relatively low. But some players choose the event we call "bam güm" and can jump right into the crowded places. If they are a bit lucky, they can continue playing with the loot until the end of the game. Of course, you have to say that you need some patience. It can be annoying to constantly die in the first moments of the game. The only thing you will gain from discovering the map is not the loot; you will learn where cars can be found, the best trenches, the best locations. It is not always possible to jump to the same place, because exploring the map is also very important.

2.Blue and White Area


Perhaps the most important matter is the blue and white area. It can cause great sorrow because it is forgotten in the last moments, and it can cause coldness in serious manners from a forgotten blue space after making lots of loot and preparing. The moments will say, "Is not the car coming out of here?" At that moment you will have to look at the map and run with your strength. You should evaluate your student not to be in such a boring situation. Especially in the last minute, no matter how much you need, never stay outside the field for 30 bullets.

Last minute, the most common mistake of the last 20 players is to forget the blue field while focusing on the conflict. The game of those falling into this fault is ending with death. The blue field - especially in its final constriction - can be highly damaging and, from time to time, becomes unbearable. This is where you need to make the right decision. Will you stay in the field and kill one or two more people, or will you push your luck to the end?

3.Weapon Selection


The player has a unique weapon. Some are pumped rifles, some are sniper rifles, some are rifles and some are light rifles. As you do when choosing your site on the map, finding the most suitable weapon for yourself is one of the most important factors to bring you to the 1st place. For example, a player using a sniper rifle would well figure out where the bullet would fall; a player using a shotgun should know how to get into the enemy quietly and know how to kill a man who runs on a player who uses a light machine with the term "to destroy" within seconds. If you use the gun pistol that you use the most comfortably after all, it's enough to make you first.

The parts attached to weapons are also as important as the choice of weapons. As you can hunt the player with a muffler, a compensator can be something that will keep you alive in conflict. It's not just the pieces attached to the end of the gun; holders, magazines, binoculars ... If there is not one of them, it can really put you in trouble.

4.Use of Weapons


5.Game Type Selection


Choosing the type of game you will play well is an important factor in both killing and scoring, as well as being the 1st. Based on my observations I can say there are 3 types of players. Let me explain with an example: for example a team of 3 entered the game. A person is constantly reversing the direction in which he hears and is cautious until the end of the game. The last 5 people are starting to shoot at the "good little score". Another person, every sue that he hears, runs unexpectedly and despite being hit by the man he is constantly injured, falling or dying "very excited and bad score". The last and most common type distinguishes which game is best analyzed and which conflict is entered and which conflict is avoided "excitement and score on satisfying level". You need to choose the type you play well. It is not the type that will make you first, but it allows you to choose your favorite type of player and enjoy playing the game more.

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