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Today we go forward with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim!
Let's talk about what happens once the main mission has been completed!
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The player can continue to explore the lands of Skyrim, with various secondary missions, let's see some of them.
Guild of thieves
The player can become a Thief taking part in the Guild of Thieves simply talking to Brynolf at Worn carafe, which is located in RatWay, the underground of the city of Riften. You can also get paid if you steal something on behalf of the Guild.
Dark Brotherhood
This series of missions will make you Assassins, activate when you kill the owner of Honorall Orphanage, located at Riften.
Through a dream, Astrid, one of the members of the Brotherhood, will ask you if you want to officially enter his "family" (which also includes some children) after a kind of trial.
Become a Werewolves: You can become Werewolf completing the "Companions" missions of Whiterun.
Become Magicians: If at the beginning of the game you have decided to be Magicians, you just have to go to the Whinterhold Academy, talk to Faralda and start the missions. Eventually you can become the head of the Academy, the famous Archmage.
This mission is only activated if you have the "DawnGuard" DLC, where you can become Vampire Hunters or Vampires (the choice is yours). It is activated simply by going to the strong "DawnGuard".
This DLC will allow you to build 3 properties within the fiefs of Skyrim with your own hands, which means that you will become Builder of Houses. You can decide what kind of house to build, then bring the children to us by building a room for them.
To get married
In Skyrim it is possible to get married talking to the priest of the Temple of Mara at Riften, who will tell you to wear a Mara amulet to find the groom, and who will then organize the ceremony. You can marry whoever you want, even a Jarl.
Adopt children
In Skyrim it is possible to adopt children. You can go to the Honorall Orphanage in Riften or you can take children who live on the streets of some cities. You can take a maximum of two.
Here are their names and where they are:
Alesan - Dawnstar
Blaise - Solitude
Lucia - Whiterun
Sofie - Windhelm
Missions of the Daedric Princes
These various missions will make you become followers of many Skyrim daedric princes. Here are their names and where their missions depart.
Sanguine: Prince Sanguine and his mission can be started by competing with Sam Guevenn from the Bard's Chapel in Whiterun to those who drink more wine.
Azura: His mission can be started simply by going to his sanctuary and talking to his priestess.
Meridia: Also this mission starts going to the statue of Meridia and talking to the statue.
Boethiah: It is activated by reading a book called "The Test of Boethiah".
Clavicus Vile: This mission is activated by talking to the smith of the town of Falkreath, Lod, who will ask you to look for a dog. Follow the road and talk to a dog named Barbas.
Malacath: You will have to go to the Orcs Largashbur camp and talk to an ogre. He will ask you to help the tribe to ingratiate again with Malacath, a dahedral prince much revered by the orcs
Mehrunes Dagon: This mission is activated by going to the Dawnstar Museum.
Peryte: You will have to go to his sanctuary and talk to a Khajiiti.
Mephala: This is activated by talking to the innkeeper of the in Whiterun, Bard's Chapel , who will tell you about the son of Jarl.
Sheogorath: It is activated talking to a gentleman named Derevenin who considers himself an "old fool" on the streets of Solitude.
Nocturnal: Just go to her sanctuary and talk to her.
Hircine: This mission begins when talking to a father who lost his daughter to Falkreath.
Molag Bal: You start talking to a Stendarr Vigilant in Markhart. You will recognize him because he will ask you if you have seen someone enter or leave a house.
Hermaeus Mora: This quest is activated by talking to Septimus Signus, an inhabitant of the Septimus Signus outpost, north of Skyrim.
Vaermina: Go to the Windy Peak Inn of Dawnstar and talk to Erandur, a priest.
Namira: Go to Markhart's palace and talk to a priest who will tell you that the Hall of the Dead is closed. You will then have to convince him to let you give the key and go inside.
I hope you enjoyed the episode today! See you next time!
(The post was translated with an automatic translator).