Undiscovered Story :Unleashing the advancement of game on blockchain

in game •  6 years ago 

Ever heard of the learn & earn game ; Undiscovered Strory? It is a platform that allows you to game,win tokens from right answers and from weekly and montly bonus pools and also, Contribute to women-led initiatives by donating tokens from wrong answers.
In the platform, we understand that as the market place for distributed ledgers like blockchain matures, the commercial products and services enabled by tjese technologies are sustaining ineffective and totally complicated onboarding procedures that hampers customer aquisition and retention. This will continue to be a problem until these products are made easy to use and grasp, Unless it demonstrates clear value and provide accountability, mass adoption will continie to fail.

At WIRD, we seek to address these typical startup problems which include not securing a substantive product and tangible asset for a marketing hook which are familiar with many blockchain and cryptocurrency startups. In achieving this, The Undiscovered story "learn and earn" trivia game will play the key role. Primarily, we focus firstly on the girls and women. This first focus will go ahead to not only motivate and inspire the next generation of frontiers who will emerge from our global community but in addition, push competition to endorse the growth and marketing of the UDGT gaming economy. The project also empowers players by giving them the opportunity to learn about blockchain, earn cryptocurrency and to do social good. For each correct answer they give, players earn one Undiscovered Story Game Token (UDGT), the game’s native crypto token.

All about the Undiscovered story "learn and earn trivia game"
It is a progressive we and application (PWA) that will work easily on desktop, tablet and so much as Mobile devices. The game enlightens players on cross disciplinary innovators creators and entrepreneurs who have made remarkably significant impact to their profession and society at large which are not only worth remembering but also inspires innovation too.
Futhermore, it is a game that celerates the past and contemporary achkevements of girs and women from every continent catalysing social impact through digital gaming. By playing the game, the participants can easily manage their crypto currency and ultimately become part of the crytocurrency economy.
The poplular categories of this game include
Player vs player
Shooting amd more.
The game will educate players on cross-disciplinary innovators, creators, and entrepreneurs who made positive contributions to their professions and society at large.

The Team WIRD will take heightened credit for this innovative product created to acheive support for women-led initiative and More. UndiscoveredStory team seek to create real connections between people and are achieving this through community-geared products, including our trivia game, social benefit token, various protocols, & a planned social good, social media platform. To know more about this product please visit their pages below..

Token info
Token :- TGAME
Platform :- Ethereum
Type :- ERC20
Price in ICO :- 0.0736 USD
Average price :- 0.01 USD
Tokens for sale:- 210,000,000
Investment info:
Min. investment :- 0.1 ETH
Accepting :- ETH, BTC, LTC
Distributed in ICO :- 70%
Soft cap :- 2,300 ETH
Hard cap :- 10,300 ETH
Raised :- $3,426,445

WEBSITE: https://wirdwrld.io/undiscovered-story/



Twitter: https://twitter.com/wirdwrld

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wirdwrld

Telegram: https://t.me/officialundiscoveredstorygame

Bounty0x username: Dulowegner

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