2D parallax test multiple layered background - preview stage

in gamedev •  7 years ago  (edited)

Here's a youtube video if you can't access Dtube or Dtube is slow / not responsive :

This little video is a test to show you how paralaxx works and how it looks with multiple layers, i have rendered this video under 3Ds max, the layer movement is not optimal yet and the camera not well aligned, but i've done this so that it can already give you some idea of the difference of speed between layers and how it affects the visual quality of the game, what we hope to achieve with steem python / pygame or any other engine that would allow us to do that on top of steem python.

( Hey, they have changed the way uploading works with Dtube, it used to be hellish before, i noticed it was way simplified and more organic, and it worked the first time for once... kudos to the team if they manage to improve it this much, i haven't been using Dtube in a while since i have been frustrated too much with the system... I might give it a go if i see it's getting better and more consistent with successfull uploads. )

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more awesome stuff! i just can't imagine a sidescroller without a parallax

Nice! Something really 'refreshing' with parallax scrolling.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is pretty cool, like the art. One problem is That there is no far away anchor point for the viewer.

Example: Notice the mountains move very little even though the foreground moves frantically.

Your farthest items in the back ground should move very little, or else some people may get motion sick.

what are you using to do this,this looks really great