so ... stuck for stuff, my diary rant still oozing out from yesterday (i doubt the frustration from the last years will subside anytime soon and i doubt i'll ever be fit for "normal" social life again)
i thought, maybe another tileset but then i though, how about a loop, after all it comes for free , right ... so i open up the llms
comes with a sid chip emulator that has a lot of options included that would require a lot of code to implement on the original machine
kick out a few bars, try a few different settings, its been years since i did anything like this ... it doesnt really come out flowing , for a platformer what you want is a simple loop, right ? like that one direction bieber song or miley katie or something, it gets stuck and it can repeat for hours if need be
but i'm not cathoven ofcourse ... and doing sidchip patches is not something ive done much
alas i cant record desktop on my linux system here (celeron, no gfx card, couldnt run windows EVER)
so i get to about six patches, trie to find a piano sound but the closes i get is some clavecimbel (xylophone?) its only 30 minutes after all and i got household chores to do which have been slacking with the bullshit from the past weeks.
What i used to do in fast tracker mostly, i once found that on some kind of "startup-wav" cd back in the days of windos 95 and 3.11 , it came with a ton of demo-song (it was demo-scene after all) so i usually just browsed like o wow this sounds great what is that ? then take the sample and build something around it , like ... i never really got this intellectual hipster thing where all those critics who couldnt slice a 10 foot beat with a scalpel up close are on about DJ's who didnt have the "never before used latest crazy samples" like the word in itself already means just that
its a sample ... its nothing created, its what you do with it ... there's the oddballs like squarepusher who would try to sample the sound of ants walking on sand ... but those are like the einsteins of studio music, i never understood this and about everyone complaining they heard A SAMPLE THEY HEARD BEFORE couldnt slice a beat with 10 foot sampler, let me say it that way because a turntable requires MORE THAN PRACTICE, like a ninja
you got it digital, you got 'all the time in the world' to find the loop points, then stretch it and bend it until it fits, you got a record and a turntable, thats something else, BOTH ARE VALID in my option , it doesnt matter what the tool , what matters is what comes out. You can have all that lambo money, if all you do is buy lambos then i think its wasted on you really ... but most people just want that : to shine ... and be shiney ... very few are introvert enough to sit on it until its perfect FOR THEM, most just want to be perfect in the eyes of others, they NEED the envy of others BUT
this is not a filosophical essay duh, here i go again ...
so yea i took a few of the patches that came with them and tweaked it ... got a bass , tweaked the envelope until its a bassdrum ... could use some AMP on that to stand out better in the mix , might i remind you its allecyat the concept cat, i do this thing with sid patches only, and i want a demo .... for a demo on a 10 level demo on how to platformer with about €1.5 of software , not to market a hasbeendone A++++++++ game on hype
take the same bass patch, twist it to an "oooh" sound, the same bass patch twist it to an "iiii" sound ... the mad sound, remove the arpeggiator, turn of the overdrive etcetera etcetera, i dont have a manual here on "howto create lifelike instrument sounds", i woke up tired and i already have a hard time not diving back into bed, the bullshit from the last weeks nearly killed my rythm ... usually my nightly post is ready at 4pm ... it hasnt been for days now. This place tries to break me down again (woops there i go)
so i take a few patches and tweak them to my more or less liking in this do it in 30 minutes tune, hoping for a loop thats not too bad
yagh, the "snare" is just the noise setting on the sid chip with no attack and no release ... yes this thing runs like a breeze on a celeron system while firefox and chrome is running on two different desktops, but it wouldnt boot windows 7 i think
tsck ... thats why all the supercomputers are linux these days hahah
drop some notes in the score ... i use two bass patches mostly because i dont want controller tracks, its a demo for a demo after all ... if i like it i can tweak it later
see what i actually want is only the loop between the two loop points ... the intro isnt really to my liking
alas i cant find how to copy-paste whole sections in the song editor, only in the piano roll so
whack it on the flash drive, put in in the import folder on the windows pc ... check it out ... mmmlikke mmmeh ..
its a bit tuff too (barring the void in graphix but its early stages right ? most "developers" would be selling early access by now
tweak it a little, its level 1 after all, its gotta be finishable in less than 50 tries hahah, the icy platform (the last one, fast moving horizontal) is way too much because the others are "bouncy" so you cant stop jumping there
well it's super-veganboy ... its gotta have some-thing to it
yah well that should about be the right difficulty for level 1 i think, now to get that song ?
well i dont have the money for fruityloops or reason ... and i certainly wont be posting from pirated copies hahah , besides its linux here, €1.5 gamedev
so i just
sudo apt install audacity
(can get that for windows too, im not sure about lmms
this is one is easy as goblin pie to cut, you can do it on sight really
just select in and choose "loop play" (or shift-space) apparently i didnt lose it all uphere in the membrane, i got the slice just right first time
then just cut
new file
export to whatever (.ogg in the case of platfinity)
and replace it .... now i think this could be done in eight bars looping from intro to piano (well what goes for it), tops 16, if you really are memory hungry then 32 hah (its a wavefile, not a trackerfile so the size is totally dependent on the length of the loop)
and im afraid thats it for the today ... my eyes are sore and i can hear the bed calling me back already, i think i made it to about five replies today, hopefully i get a bit more brain tomorrow
hopefully, but im about 90% sure it will try to wake me at nine so i lie around all day and am too tired by night so i dont get shit done
i wonder actually after todays catwalk
is that catnip ? did they plant catnip in the middle of the garbage pail where the youtube gangsters have their daily "im not scared" tribal dance ?
are they trying to lure my cat into danger, hoping i flip and solve their problemmmmmattttakkkkuuuuh
honestly, after all the ancient nazi techniques and the pavlovian systems here i have no clue what these people are trying to achieve, i know a few thing :
i dont trust anybody here anymore
if they were trying to alienate me further than i was when i got back here, they certainly succeeded
if they wanna drive me away : i can't until i have the money, there's nothing id want more, but snickers money WONT DO FOR THAT
gud, before i fall into the pitfall of paying it attention again
yea i got a video apparently from when that trash was throwing trash at me, i'll keep it in a safe place , thank you
not in sight, no,
in a safe place
can't help it, everything here's a trigger, even in the dead of night they're stalking me with their hellhole
previous posts on this ?
i'll probably do it to a playlist on youtube and would if i could embed peertube here prefer to do it that way
dont bother , i wont function in your pipeline ... theres only one way out for me ... to stand on my own feet without cookies from the state or the employers lobby, in a race against the clock to save whats left of my sanity
GOOD NIGHT .... (probably not) ...
no idea ... maybe i try to make the level 1 look like a level for next or maybe i try to render a protagonist in blender ... since i'm not much of an artist and i dont have an anime-drawing kawaii+moe girlfriend with a skitzo streak i have to find a 'hack' to get the graphics or i have to borrow them from public domain :)
whatever it is , and whenever depends on when my brain doesnt have a bad head park
there's not much i can do about that, i have to keep my protection from evil spell up, 24/7 it takes nearly all my energy
lol i gave myself a @drotto vote ?
that was intended for someone top on the feed after an sbd payout, sorry
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