Fantasy Football...Game of Thrones Edition

in gameofthrones •  7 years ago 

I posted this a while back and I was really proud of what I did with this video. It was fun to make, but took a while to edit.

I figured since this is a new forum and since there really isn't a lot of football to talk about, I would post this video for my new SteemIt family!

Basically, the idea was to combine my 2 favorite things... Game of Thrones and Fantasy Football.

I compared a bunch of NFL players to the characters in the show and gave my reasoning for comparing the 2. Some I think hit dead on and some may have gone over the heads of my viewers on Youtube. Either way, I didn't really get the sort of response as I thought I might get from it. Not a negative response, but just not a lot of interest.

You know what that tells me... post it again lol

Would love to hear your thoughts and I would love to do another one of these, so tell me which character you would like me to compare. Enjoy!

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