Games, games, games

in games •  6 years ago  (edited)

Blockchain or otherwise, a run through on what I've been spending far too much time playing this past week.

My other ship is a Corvette


Even though the current value of the cards is nothing to shout about, I still believe we are on to a long term winner here. and so most days I find the time to battle and earn my daily rewards. The season just finished and I had planned to show you all my new gold and legendary cards I received from my 60 reward card haul but...







OK, so a 3rd are 'rare' cards, but where's all the epics and shiny ones?!


Yep, for some reason I am still playing this one. Partly to make sure the people farming my account do not get too much free stuff, and partly because I know via @crokkon's recent analysis, that most of the bots are now gone. Those that are attacking me are making a special effort to type abh12345 in the box, I like that.

There are now a selection of Log-in options. Is this good for Steem, I'm not entirely sure, anyone?


Prepare yourself for an actual in-game screenshots:

And after I click 'Enhance now' for the Base:

I think that is supposed to read 'Enhancing', but I guess there isn't so much real estate available on the page....

Phew, upgrade underway. Time, effort, and skill - that's how I like my games :)

Seriously though, there is no game yet - well done for taking over 100,000 STEEM for a list of pages with links to click. I'm sure there will be more to come......

Railroad Tycoon 2

In my Steam (not Steem) library for over a decade, and looking at the graphics you might guess even longer than that.

I love it, still. There are plenty of scenarios to take on, and many I have not cracked yet having spent days restarting and trying new approaches. No STEEM or any other tokens for playing this one though, but I guess I can earn a few by writing about it.

Elite 2: Dangerous

I did have a whole post planned for Elite as I have recently renamed my ship and was wondering about setting up a Steem 'squadron' to fly in open play and advertise Steem. I also think it's my best chance of mooning Steem. e.g. fly to moon and land. I tried yesterday though and the moon was having none of it so that video is in the recycle bin.

Bored of collecting credits, find a canyon and race with flight assist off.

That's not me by the way, laptop and mouse all the way!

Do you play ED?

I'm a_s_h_e_r - see you there :)

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Woah! Rail road tycoon and elite 2 on Steem!

I do steemmonsters and eosknights... But for real gaming, currently XCom2, Stellaris, project zomboid, south Park, the fractured but whole and BattleTech... Depends on which computer I've got at hand and also how in depth I'm feeling... But a terribly long steam backlog...

That would be awesome but I doubt it!

XCOM2, my bro is a big fan since the Amiga days there. My laptop heats up like crazy with Elite - I miss my rig :(

Do you underclock your laptop cpu/gpu? You can get better performance by slowing it down to avoid thermal throttling.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

hmmm, interesting. I don't do that but maybe I should.

The laptop runs cooler without the charge cable plugged in, but Elite will drain a full charge in no time. So yeah, maybe I need to tell things to chill the f out with the power plugged in...

Sorry, I meant to say undervolt!

Are you sure you don't mean unbolt? :D

I have played with overclocking in the past, but not undervolting or on a laptop, I'm a bit scared.

Actually, it is much safer than overclocking or overvolting. Basically, you are feeding the CPU as little power as possible to remain stable. If it fails, then it resets but you can't damage it, unlike overclocking.

'undervolting' the gpu, is basically getting it to run faster than the voltage provided would be guaranteed stable for.

Your season reward are on fire @abh12345 😉 red cards everywhere and I think the blink and legendaries now shared equally to the low level deck and league😆

I even got 2 legendaries (pony and lord a) from an account and a golden imp bowman😆 but my own account just like yours but at least I got a pony😊.

I wish there will be this kind of games on steemit one day😊 because farm town is the only game that I play for 10 years before Steemmonsters.

On fire as in I want to set them on fire and have 60 new ones! I'm glad you did better than me :)

Farmville, I missed that one but my daughter did have a farm on the go at one point. Enjoy!

😂😂😂😂😂 you gotta burn them all soon for DEC tokens I think.. so, no need to burn them now to get another worst 60 😂.. lucky that I almost make all my reward monsters to the max now.. including the legendaries.. 6 more for the ruler of the sea and already got a golden black dragon😊 odd season you got common cards but even season.. you'll got more blink blink cards... just check it out through the peakmonsters😉

Burn for DEC tokens? hmm, this is new to me - do you have a link? :D

I read somewhere in the tp group on discord or in the maverick house.. and i wish it would be true

Exactly @cicisaja those kind of games are awfully addicting. I have played sim games similar from creating a baseball franchise (managing it top to bottom), developing a company and having its assets trade in a semi open market, to building a 'banana repuplic' in the Caribbean Sea as a dictator of an island, to being a ruthless tyrant in the game series Age of Empires in that city building/fight simulation. Those are the best and if they can find a way to "blockchainize" a great sim idea that could be gold in my opinion.

😁😁😁 I don't play sim though.. but this farm town game is a good way of being a land owner and labour at the same time 😉 I like the interaction too.. we can have a chatt with other farmers and direct selling of some of the ingredients directly with buyer, I think farmtown is the first game where I can talk to other players (I know poker also has the same way before farmtown, but I don't play poker😊)

It would be cool to find more easy games on blockchain that not only about collect the crypto things😊 no more gambling or drugs production..😂😂 and I think all games which already use coins or specific cash will be success when they start to invade blockchain.

Railroad Tycoon 2 is SO FREAKING GOOD! No wonder it is still played over 20 years later (it came out in 1998).

For something like SM as long as the game is still around and healthy in 5 to 10 years these Alpha and Beta cards should have some decent value. Maybe even more so for unopend packs if they could be proven to never been searched AND which is a big part there are still some huge cards out there to be found.

Something like MTG the boxes can gain some nice value over the years and people will sometimes pay more for the experience of opening an old back then what they expect in return. You also don't know how many of the big cards are even left. Which adds to the further mystery.

At least in the short run for SM you can leverage what you already own to acquire more of it. One day all those cards will no longer be dropping. While I'm sure the game will change a lot by than. The game could change so much some otherwise worthless card people can't even fire sell atm for a cent could be the true winner at the end of the day.

Some have already started to speculate and even bulk buy a certain card for one reason or another.

Biggest issue a lot of these cypto games face is the FOMA. Many of them are more created around the hype have a massive BOOM and then they crash into the moon busting. Once this space has had a the time to mature I have high hopes.

I just unlocked Explorer last night so here hoping I find a planet.

As far as non-crypto games I'll admit I'm having some fun still playing Game of Thrones Winter Is Comong. My completive nature has been sucked in by another browser game! Had some spender quite the alliance I was in for me passing him up because he found out I was f2p and he was not. Not quite sure wtf hes been spending on but he should been miles ahead of me lol.

Some have already started to speculate and even bulk buy a certain card for one reason or another.

I know this one guy, collecting one particular card - nice :)

What is f2p? Is he just being shit at games and amazed you are doing so well?

I've yet to spend anything so I'm just a dirty free to play player lol. The guy on other hand spent a fair amount going after something. I did not want ask to add further insult to injury. I'll let my army do my talking for me hehe.

Nextcolony looks soooo exciting! :0)

Big things expected! Before they disappear to Fkbook with a token... :D

Hehe, surely not. That just wouldn't do. Vagabondery!! :0D

It would not do, and I think these lot will stay. But like, where's the game?!

I think the best games are yet to come, steemmonsters is the best so far but I am hoping for more that are slightly less dependent on paying out dough!

They gamed 100k already, what are you talking about? :)

heh :)

Like the playing part? Pay to click links, not so rewarding thus far.

yes, they played you already.

It is actually something I have thought a little about. When it comes to a crypto game, I think there has to be a long onboarding to allow others in or, a way that new users can come in at any time and still have a chance at good game play and some potential to earn or whatever. Otherwise, very few games are going to survive.

I agree with this. If it looks like something they have to pay to advance then the only thing that gets advanced is the idea that crypto is a scam, ha

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Yep, too right.

A skill based game wouldn't require to be there at the start, but those type of games are seemingly less suitable for a blockchain, and tougher to monetize. A few more years to wait....

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment


Now I am going to have to hunt down my steam username and password. I loved Railroad Tycoon. And going back before even that, I think next Colony is going to be a lot like the BBS game Trade Wars. I think the blockchain system could be a boon to old style BBS games, Not sure how many there were, but Trade Wars was a great fun game. I wonder if any one has thought about bringing the old Commodore 64 text based games to the blockchain.

I think the blockchain system could be a boon to old style BBS games

Agreed. These will work better than the face-paced stuff requiring constant feedback to the machine.

I've always wanted to play a game of RR2 on multiplayer but never found anyone willing!

I mostly played/play solo games, my wife and I would link up our computers and play Diablo 2 when it came out, but that was pretty much the extent of my multi-player gaming.

Now you're talking with some great sim games blast from the past railroad tycoon. Steemit has become a gamers domain lately and I don't think that's a bad thing at all, more interaction and more new things and reasons to play. Kind of an ongoing daily comicon in a way for the dapps which again I think is a lot better than "nice post I vote you vote me."

I do love my sim games, my first true love :)

If Steem becomes the gamers blockchain (even if it's gambling), I won't grumble too much. I hear there is a few $$ involved in that kind of business, which will hopefully trickle down to us guys.

I play Steemmonsters and Drugwars only these days

Fair enough. SM seems the most likely to bring in the droves in time. I think I'll buy a few more cards today :)

I am considering buy a few more packs myself

I am addicted to @steemmonsters at the moment but have been thinking about playing something different these days just to change things up a bit. However, I am actually thinking about playing some console games!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah I went onto next and I was like ..... Is this it??? Steem monsters is by far and away the best so far . A full blown command and conquerer . Now that's a game that steem moods. #onmyway #forkingandcountry

Posted using Partiko Android

Impressive they took so much steem for a link click - more must be on the way. Agreed, nothing close to SM at present!

Not gonna bother with the space one . I'm the same with you at drugwars. I have an alarm set to keep building the army every day so no dope steals my stash I forgot to do it one day and they were in like Flynn .

Posted using Partiko Android


I wish you could pause production, I'd probably give up then... maybe :)

Hmm first time read about Railroad Tycoon2 and ED2 I want to try them! Hope I'll have time for both.
Thank you for sharing.

Posted using Partiko Android

Time is something you will need a lot of for either of those games!

Wow. That really is a truly disappointing set of cards.

There is a positive side though. Now I don't feel so persecuted. I thought I was the only one who had that sort of bad luck! 😂 😢

Can't make up my mind whether to laugh or cry.

On a different note . . . your're playing all those different games? 😱

Steem Monsters alone just about does my head in. 😢

Have a fun weekend . . . outside of the house? Bring back the beach photos!!! 😂

Pretty crap overall, nothing better than a Rare!

Yes I play them all daily, except when it's a sunny one then I will be out. Cloudy today, no-one likes cloudy beach photos :D

nothing better than a Rare

That's extremely common for me too. 😢 But it probably only looks like others get better cards because they only post about the good ones. That's what I tell myself anyway.

Beautiful sunny day here again but we're heading inland rather than the beach.

Cloudy beach photos are great when there's a nice storm to go with them I think but otherwise, as you say, not so much. 😊

Steem monsters is my love to hate game, I’m sure that some how I don’t understand it still and that’s why I do so badly. It just seems like it takes me hundreds of matches to go basically a tiny bit up rank.

Drug wars I keep just trying to build more units up, and collecting the future tokens - which must be of value in the future......

Next colony I have got into, just trying my best to build up enough to build an actual ship to investigate the galaxy with!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I know the feeling - I'm going round in circles on SM right now trying to get the daily quest done!

Not sure about 'must' be of value, but if you have a bit of time each day then why not waste it there :)

NextColony I haven't really got any idea what's going on - the visual clues are somewhat lacking right now! Cheers :)

It would be nice to have a proper game that can be played constantly like angry birds or candy crush. Something simple and addictive that just has a leader board that pays out steem. If it gets popular as a stand alone app then ad revenue and pay to play would generate plenty revenue to reward it's users in steem and could bring in new users to collect the rewards that they have won. At the moment most of these games are a matter of waiting for a timer instead of gaming.

It's what I would do if I could build apps and games. Bring in people just to play and then try to join them to steem once they have winnings. Anybody would join if they had prizes to collect even just to use in game.

Posted using Partiko Android

I totally agree, but think that a blockchain is not the best place for these type of games. I would love to be proved wrong though.

This time of game never used to exist, back when games were actually playable, rewarding, and fun.

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