Remember Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order? With the gamer's hype for the sequel that will probably release this July or later, I still think that the first game has too many issues that I admit it's kind of annoying. Even with Denuvo removed, the game didn't change much and had it worse than the original before the remove. For PC players, all experience or should I say....issues that I found were these:
FPS drop in the original game but worse FPS drop after the Denuvo removed from the game by EA. I can tell this one difference because it never got this worse in other planets outside of Bogano. The FPS in all planets of the original are at least 30 FPS or more but with the Denuvo removed, the FPS drop even lower than 20 FPS (I think all the DLC contents inside the Denuvoless version has something to do with the sudden FPS drop. The original doesn't have this much frame drop).
Crash in the middle of gameplay. I swear that the original game never had this issue in mine yet in the Denuvoless version, the crash starts to occur several times, especially on Dathomir and Ilum. But why? I don't understand, what goes wrong here and what caused it? I'm starting to use record-stop in every checkpoint-and record again because of this.
Freeze issue. In the original, the game never has this kind of issue but in the of Cal's flashback when it gets near the end of the game suddenly freezes upon turning the camera around. I was so shocked because I had recorded it from the checkpoint in front of the Nightbrother's village until that point for 15 minutes so I wasted them all because if I force stop the recording, the file recording resulted in corrupted and can't be played on any media. What the hell? I need that part too for the cutscenes.
The FPS in Zeffo planets are 10-above 25 but never reach 30 even on cutscenes. Man, I admit that I couldn't enjoy the game much from these issues