About the new PUBG update that's coming on early December.

in games •  7 years ago 

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As all of the Steam community knows PUBG is going to have a big update which consists Optimisations, Vaulting and New Weapons. In this article I am going to discuss about these.

All of the gamers know that FPS (Frame Per Second) is the most important thing because if your Fps is low your game will start to lag . But with this 1.0 patch BlueHole says that fps rates will go higher and the game will be smooth. As for myself this optimisation will increase the players because lots of computers will be able to run it.

With the remaining bugs you could jump out of windows without making any noise. But with this patch you can reach places you could never reach, but with making noises. This could lead to new attacking mechanics and new escape mechanics.
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New Weapons
With the patch we will be able to use 2 new weapons.

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DP-28 has 47 round magazine and it uses 7.62mm bullets. As this gun is a LMG it is effective at medium range and 4x scope is the maximum sight you can attach.

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AUG has 30 round magazine and it uses 5.56mm bullets. Above DP-28 AUG is effective at medium and long range. Just like DP-28 it can use 4x scope maximum for sights.

With the new weapons and the vaulting system PUBG will be more competetive, because this patch will make players ambitious about the game because it is a big uptade. But in my opinion PUBG needs a lot of change. Stay put after the new Desert Map leaks, gonna make another artice about the map.

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