Magic: The Gathering - Let's open a Dragon's Maze pack!

in games •  7 years ago 


Time to crack open another pack of cards for Magic: The Gathering! This time, I'm opening a Dragon's Maze pack from a few years back. The set was not especially well-regarded by collectors or competitive players, but I think it might have some fun stuff for those of us who play on a budget. Let's see what's inside...


Clockwise from the top left:

Tithe Drinker is a good addition to a vampire deck. WB for a 2/1 flyer isn't bad, and Extort is a fun boost. I pulled it from my Orzhov EDH deck, since Extort isn't very useful in a 40-life format, but I think it has a place in a budget vampire tribal modern deck.

Haazda Snare Squad could have some utility in a white weenie deck to remove a blocker from an opponent's lineup, but it's not the most useful in my opinion.

Maze Behemoth is in my GR Omnath deck. If you have multicolored creatures, giving them all trample is awesome. A 5/4 creature with trample for 6 CMC isn't the most efficient if you aren't also boosting other creatures though.

Mindstatic is a slightly-overpriced counterspell that doesn't completely shut down the opponent. Not great.

Wind Drake is a basic 2/2 flyer for 3 CMC. Not great, not bad. Regularly reprinted. Might be useful.

Wake the Reflections is great if you are generating big token creatures. Otherwise, it's useless. Nice art though, I guess.

Zhur-Taa Druid is a great card. It's a mana dork with some damage as a bonus. If you run red/green, you need this card.

Simic Cluestone is a great mana rock in any deck running green and blue. I like the cycle of dual-colored cluestones and keyrunes from this block for that very reason.


Clockwise from the top left:

Clear a Path is too conditional. Nuke something for one Red? Yay! It only works on something with Defender? Boo!

Fatal Fumes is underwhelming. CMC 4 needs to do more, or the card needs to cost less.

Haunter of Nightveil weakens all creatures owned by all opponents. It's better the more opponents there are. And at 4 toughness, it's immune to a lot of removal options. Still, it's only a 20¢ card despite being an uncommon.

Unflinching Courage is a decent enchantment for CMC 3, but it's still just a 25¢ Uncommon. +2/+2, trample, and lifelink is still a handy bonus in any deck with green and white though.

Debt to the Deathless is another slight step up in value. 35¢! Yay! It's still a potential finisher if you can generate enough mana, but it's not the best.

Flesh // Blood is the rare card in this pack. And unfortunately we're looking at just another 35¢ value on the market right now. There are already many similar cards for the RG half, and the BG half is very conditional. In EDH, you need all 3 colors in your deck for this to work.

And lastly, we have a Gruul Guildgate dual-colored land and a 4/4 Rhino token. All told, the contents of this pack have little sale value, and most are not especially useful for modern or EDH deckbuilding. But it's always fun to #openapack anyway!

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Oh No! Not Dragon's Maze, its Voice of Resurgence or bust!

Saying this, I did a sealed event on DM about a year ago and it went down quite well. The cards are worth nothing for the most part but they arent too bad in limited. Hope you didnt pay much for that booster.

Got it in a bulk box of 6 boosters for $20. Not a great price, but not awful.

I would avoid buying loose Dragons Maze packs... this set was notorious for being box mapped. There was an app that came out then that let people find all the packs with mythics. Loose packs being sold are very likely to be from mapped boxes and you won't open a single mythic! I hope that doesn't happen to you, but there is a good chance.

i think its a huge huge huge information.every gamer should this article and learn more information.

Thanks for great share sir @jacobtothe

Can't wait to try this game...
Thanks very much for all the informations above...they are very useful...

Thanks for sharing, dear @jacobtothe ... ❤