Tau Kill Team Assembled!

in games •  6 years ago  (edited)

A while back, I wrote about the new Kill Team skirmish game from Games Workshop set in their Warhammer 40,000 universe. Instead of starting by assembling the stuff in that box, though, I bought a box of XV25 Stealth Battlesuits to add to the Tau forces in the previous edition of Kill Team and started building that faction's squad first.


This box includes all the parts to build 3 stealth suits, an MV7 marker drone, and a beacon marker. There is also the option to replace 1 burst cannon with a fusion blaster, and one may be promoted to a Shas'vre (sergeant, basically) with a drone controller or markerlight upgrade. The beacon is useless in the Kill Team format, but it can be a nice objective marker.


The pieces were clipped from the sprues as needed for assembly. Then I used an X-acto knife to shave mold lines and a jewler's file to smooth rough spots left from trimming out the parts. I suggest using the dull side of the blade to gently shave the thin mold lines. The sharp edge usually wants to take a bite out of the piece when used for such work. Once the parts were cleaned up, I began assembly. Put in the time here if you want good results in the end! Fit was flawless for the parts, and GW quality was as expected on that front. The instructions included in the newest boxes are quite good too, and they even have basic datasheets for using the squad in the full 40K game, although the army codex is still needed.


I chose to equip one model with the fusion blaster. With support from the markerlight drone and the stealth suit's innate flight ability, he should be useful as a way to get to key locations on the battlefield and hit specific tough targets.

I also finished assembling the Tau Fire Warriors kit, and I chose to build a Fire Warrior Shas'vre, 3 pulse rifle troops, 3 pulse carbine troops, and 4 Breacher Squad troops with short-range pulse blasters suited to the close confines of a Kill Team map. One of the drones is an MV1 Gun Drone, and the other is an MV36 Guardian Drone.


All told, this gives me a roster of over 160 points worth of soldiers from which to build a 100-point kill team. The Tau prefer ranged combat, and this team gives me options for soldiers equipped for all ranges plus tactical selections to take command of the battlefield or respond to challenges my opponent offers.

The only possible additions would be a box of Pathfinders so I can add some markerlight-equipped scouts and steal a couple torsos to add to the extra bitz left over in the kit I just built for a couple more Fire Warriors. Otherwise, these guys are ready to go.

Now I need to take the time to play the game somewhere. I'd start painting, but the air outside is still too nasty for me to risk spray primer. Expect eventual pictures with no definite schedule promises, and possibly some grumbling about getting my butt kicked as a n00b.

Click here for the official Kill Team site with all the background info and product details!

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What game

I said what game it was in the first sentence. Here's a link to their official site, though, and I'll add that in the text, too.

How good they look...