How Phone Games and Pay Options Annoy me

in games •  7 years ago 

I may have written about this before but here I go again.


I cant stand these phone and tablet games that are so restricted to amount of time played before the timer starts until you can play again. Then the always unwanted option to speed things up with currency in game that costs real money normally that they tease you with the amount that equals only completing the tutorial.

Ok so most phone games are very timer restrictive. This is something I can not stand. You play 2-15 minutes then wait for 15 minutes to an hour before you can play again. Some games you get that 5-30 minutes of play a day. Most the time you are waiting on timers to run down for something to complete or bonus to become available. The big problem is that you are waiting on this all to happen because the game has some addictive value to it that keeps you coming back to see what you can do in your small allotted play time.

Next up the game currencies. There is normally upto 3 currencies in these games. The one you are waiting on to get your next moment of play time, the ones you use to complete something when you get your play time to achieve something and the last is the how to get to play more by having to buy it. The last one is the one I hate the most. It is also the one that makes these game makers rich. Worse part is I have seen this integrated into pc and console games now just as much. if its not currency its just DLC to get the whole game. Guess this is a great way for game makers to continue making income off of a game.


Now I have an understanding on phone games and the reason to make some money from certain pay to play features. If that is the case why not give a fair opening to the game before a purchase and if something is continue to play or has end game options then subscriptions of sorts may be welcome. But this is every game on anymore with limited exceptions. Even games you buy have options for ingame purchases.


In game purchases are a blight to my opinions because this is what I call 'Pay to Win'. I see so much in game purchases available that normally are overpowered items or something to give advantage to play and advance faster than normally set in in the game. It does not matter what the game is you have this option. It can be anything from Farmville to some slot machine game to one of the many RTS style games. Thing is everything is mind numbing 'Clicky' games with no real interaction. On console and PC these options are just to pay to win advantage rather that clicky types because there is normally more interaction. This does not limit the few games that have advanced to point that they are similar to a console type game. Even if still limited in play somehow.

The games are getting better as IOS and Android games have advanced over the past few years. There are more games that are very similar to console or PC. They lack in things like length and options but getting closer to some older retro console type games. I have found almost none that don't have a option to pay for something to remove an ad or keep playing or advance somehow. I think that this is like a 1 of 100 that may have none or limited need to purchase anything.

My user end opinion is that there needs to be more games released in its entirety. Make us pay up front for the damn thing. Otherwise give us more options for same types of games we are already playing with all these things they want to have purchased in the game. Hell buying into alpha/beta development contributions is an fair option. I don't know all the options out there but I am not paying for more than a game in itself. Yes I will purchase DLC on some games on console or PC to have complete but they have to be something I completely support or got addicted to enough to want to have more playthrough with purpose.

dlc timeline.jpg

End of rant note here. I know companies and developers need to make an income. I support that. I just want more great games that i don't have to spend $20-$100 after I drop the first $40-$60 on when playing on PC or console and if I paid $5 for a mobile devise game I don't want to have to keep putting money into it to keep playing after the first 30 minutes each day. I want to know how much I am going to pay for a game to play from start to finish at the time I purchase it.

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I agree, it is really anoying, also the fact that they keep interrupting the game to offer you other games!

Advertisement everywhere and that's just as annoying to me but I think watching an ad occasionally is not to bad but if more than once a day or even once a login is to much. Just have to remember we pay for free on something they have to make money somewhere. I still don't like it. They need to just let up play!

Everyone just care what others do .. the best adv that's all happening now ..

Taken as motivation that is good outlook

In recent years I’ve mostly played Injustice (mobile) because of that. While they tend to have a repetitive grind factor, Netherrealm/DC/Warner Bros. have so far managed to stay (just about) on the right side of keeping the game accessible to F2P players.

It’s not that I don’t want to pay developers. It’s just that I expect quality and want to enjoy a game before I decide.

Many, many moons ago I predicted chapter based IAP was the future, that based mostly because I lacked the good old demos from when I still gamed on PC. Sadly enough, many mobile games exaggerated it and turned P2W, rather than actual joy.

I do spend more on chapter based games than I do on pay once titles tho.

Back in the day I did pay for DLC. Although I need to admit that I often waited for a game’s platinum edition (PS), but that mostly because I’m a casual player, not a regular player. The main reason I don’t have a console (anymore) is just that. We have only one room with TV/Audio setup. While my partner loves watching, and also occasionally games even, I don’t want to hijack our movie watching station, or blast surround sound in the space while she works. In that sense the Platinum release was always great bang for buck.

Yeah the old Gold, Platinum and now Game of the Year options were great. Just sucked that it took a year or sometimes 2 for the released to have the full content for those release. Also when games had these full versions released a lot of them had issues like multiplayer no longer had mass players so you lost that ability becuase next game in the series was recently released.

I also know how it goes with the TV use. Until recently I gave up being hardcore gamer and gave it up for her to have TV/MOVIE time. Since she left I have been using it again for just about anything. I may miss the extreme game time but rather give it up for someone else anytime like that.