👉 @drtobi18 & @doughtaker will be the first bosses in our 🎮 HODL THE COIN game

in games •  7 years ago  (edited)


UPDATE 2018-04-29 10:54

@doughtaker has taken the lead :)


UPDATE 2018-04-28 21:55

Steemit is fast :) While writing this post @drtobi18 did beat the 1.000 days. So he will be the first boss in our game :)


  • But you can try to beat him and win 2,5 SBD ➡ Challenge. We will add 10 SBD to the prize :)


Have you ever had the dream to be part of a computer game? Well, here is your chance!

The game:


The Challenge: Be the first to hodl for 1.000 days

If you can "hodl the coin" for 1.000 days:

  • Your (Steemit)Username will be the name of the boss.
  • You can help us design the boss.

What do you have to do?

  • Beat the 1.000 days highscore.
  • Inform us in the comments.
  • If you want: Resteem this post, so we will have a tough challenge.

The current leaderboard - It's getting close:

Who will be the first? @drtobi18, @doughtaker, @theaustrianguy, @trdjn, @lifestylerat, @naturicia?

Or one of the other champions? @tomhall, @s-tec, @maxpatternman, @vikisecrets, @nessos, @elbiasto, @reconnectnature, @rivalzzz, @schamangerbert, @k3lda and all the others...

For all champions who will screencapture their race to the top and post it on dlive, dtube: We will have an extra suprise for you :) Please use the #hodlthecoin hashtag if you do so.

Some RecordHodler:

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Awesome to see how this little game gains traction 👌

You are about demonstrating how powerful gamification can be. Great job!

Wenn es nach meinen Töchtern ginge, werden es mehr Einhörner :) Bernd

Ein Einhorn an der ein oder anderen Stelle kann sicherlich nicht schaden :D


I'll probably need a few days to get all the video up. Right now it's 1.75 GB raw. I'm going to compress it, and after that I'll probably need to split it into 2 or 3 smaller videos.


I think we will need 2 bosses now :)

Are you using discord?


I'll be online there in about an hour -- feel free to message me before then though.

Next goal 2000 points!

I like how you think. However, my next goal is not 2000.

Over 9000? :P

My gosh... a 4-hour block of time just to Hodl? :P

I've been too busy to even make a single bona fide attempt since that 1788 score. I'll be trying for the first time since then, as soon as this comment posts.

[EDIT: Well, I failed tonight. Too many distractions at home plus my mouse is acting up. Somehow I still managed another 1000+ game but at this point 1000 isn't even a milestone anymore. :P I'll get back to this challenge at some point but the hardest part is just finding the time to even make the attempt.

Oh... and the milestone I had in mind... was 3653 (10 years, don't forget the leap days). Which @drtobi18 has already beaten -- so congrats to him on that accomplishment.]

@maxpatternman, 9000 takes to much time. For 2545 points, you need round about 66 minutes.

Uhm...@drtobi18 already did it, didn't he? :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

HAHAHA. Yes. He is fast. Updated the article.

I took a screenshot an hour ago, when I started this blogpost... but this is history


Hahaha, he did it 30 minutes ago! :D Funny coincidence

Well, I thought that was arranged with @drtobi18. LOL

Wie im Discord geschrieben: Meine Töchter (die das spiel auch dauernd spielen wollen) haben mich in eine Diskussion verwickelt, warum sie nicht im Spiel sind und warum keine Einhörner vorkommen... das hat Zeit gekostet... Bernd.

Na dann weißt du ja nun was in die neue Version mit rein muss, lieber Bernd: fliegende Einhörner die Laser aus ihrem Horn schießen!

keine Laser, Einhörner schiessen nur mit Regenbögen :)

Ach shaka du hast recht, wie konnte ich das nur vergessen! Aber während sie fliegen müssen sie dann aber eine Glitzer-Spur hinter sich her ziehen, dann ist es richtig authentisch.

Erinnert mich ein bisschen an Pony Island.
Gruselig :D

Hallo @maxpatternman, es war nicht abgesprochen. Diese Situation dürfen wir dem Zufall verdanken.

Hätte ich das gewusst, dann hätte ich noch ein bisschen mit den 1000 Punkten gewartet. (;

You guys take Gamification pretty seriously. ^^

I suck at these games I made it up to 13 lol

Nice game :)

Thanks @mys :) What's your highscore?

Do You see screenshot? 5000

Zählt es, wenn man es schafft das Spiel zu Hacken und dadurch ins Leaderboard kommt? Bisher hab ich es noch nicht geschafft :D

Wir haben jetzt nocht sonderlich viel Zeit verbracht, es Hack und Glitch sicher zu machen, da es ja nur einfach kurzweiligen Spass machen soll. Wenn du hacks findest kann ich dich gerne in unseren Discord einladen, wo wir auch andere Games und Weiterentwicklung besprechen :)