Witcher 3

in games •  7 years ago 

Yesterday I decided to play Witcher 3 again. This game is very dear to me. I think that is the best game i have played on PS4 so far. For those who have never heard about Witcher 3, or who are not familiarize with this game, Witcher 3 is an action role-playing video game. It has been bullished in 2015. by CD Project. This game is based on The Witcher series of fantasy novels by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski, it is the sequel to the 2011 video game The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings and the third installment in The Witcher video game series.

Played in an open world with a third-person perspective, players control protagonist Geralt of Rivia. Geralt, a monster hunter known as a Witcher, is looking for his missing adopted daughter, who is on the run from the Wild Hunt: an otherworldly force determined to capture and use her powers. Players battle the game's many dangers with weapons and magic, interact with non-player characters, and complete main-story and side quests to acquire experience points and gold, which are used to increase Geralt's abilities and purchase equipment.

Source: https://www.google.hr/search?q=witcher+3&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwicyL_AoenYAhWmhKYKHdbcBFQQ_AUICigB&biw=1536&bih=759#imgrc=hQxpkPch3HzGwM:

The story of this game is realy amazing. In the whole game you are trying to find Geralts dauther and you follow her trail through various parts of the country. You meet very interesting characters who helps you to find Geralts dauther Ciri. Of course the caracters wont help you that easy so you have to do tasks for them. That tasks are not very easy and are usually very dangerous. By choices you make in the game you can change this characters destiny.

One of my favourite character was Bloody Baron, a local warloard whose wife and dauther whent missing. He has some information about Ciri, but for exchange you have to help him to find his family. This Bloody Baron in some way reminds me of Robert Baration from Game of thrones. He`s story is very interesting and it was interesting, but also sad, to search for his family. By choices in that mission you can change his life in a drastic way.

Source: http://www.usgamer.net/articles/28-06-2017-the-witcher-3-wild-hunt-act-1-velen-family-matters

The playing of this game, from the story point of view, is so interesting because you can change many things by your choices. If you play this game twice you can choose to play it very diferently from the first time and you will realize that you didn`t play some missions first times, but another ones, because of the choices you made. You can even affect on the ending of the game. In this game there are 3 diferent ending of the main story.

From gaming point of view game is also amazing. The open world is really big with lot of areas you can explore and lots of side missions and witcher contracts to play. In this game there are tons of monsters you can kill and that is one way to earn a money. You have to prepare for killing stronger monsters by finding about their weaknesses. You have some oils you can put on your sword that helps you to defeat the monsters. You have also crossbow, a lot of difrent type of bombs and witcher powers that can also help.

Source: https://www.google.hr/search?q=witcher+3&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjOy_W7renYAhXDFywKHWUVAOgQ_AUICigB&biw=790&bih=642#imgrc=IsYOshDDQg5_uM:

Besides of fighting monsters you can also fight people. There are a lot of places on the map where there are bandit camps so you can go there and fight bandits. In this camps you can free people that this bandits has captured. This people who you free are mostly merchants and blacksmiths from which you can later buy things.

One of the amusing things that you can do is playing card game called Gwent. This is a very interesting game in wich you, if you won, get cards and collect them. There are side missions in which you have to collect gwent cards by defeating various oponents. You can also attend boksing competitions in which you can become boksing champion. You can attend horse races too. That are amusing ways to earn a little more money in the game.

Source: http://witcher.wikia.com/wiki/Gwent

I could telling you forever about interesting things you can do in this game because there are a tons of them. All in all i think the game is really amazing and very interesting to play. The main story is really long and you have to do a lot of playing hours to pass it. I recommend everyone who did`t play this game, and are fans of good games, to definitely try it.

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Odlicna igrica.

Jedna od najboljih :D

very nice game )

yes. One of the best i have ever played :)

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