Back to World of Warcraft 10 years later

in games •  7 years ago 

In 2007-2008 I spent many hours playing WoW. I remember that the first expansion I got was  The Burning Crusade. I played it up to  Cataclysm, but not graduatelly lesser and lesser. Recently I just played the free edition (levels 1-20).

Today, reading a post by @acidyo on his character entering the Outlands (the region added with The Burning crusade), I thought it could be nice to walk again those fascinating lands

Why a 40+ years old man (then) started spending time and money on a fantasy videogame? I talked about this already in this old post. As an artist, I always need visual inputs, new images - and possibily a narrative context for them images. In WoW - as in many other games - what I look for is seeing new environments and creatures. Of course, the style of those worlds and their inhabitants have to be acceptable for my taste. Manga fairies with sparkly swords, well, no, thx.

I found some video of my Night Elf Druid in 2008:

Probably that old character (level 75, I think) is not retrievable. Starting again from zero is a bit too much for me, maybe ^^

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Haha wow I never thought @paolobeneforti played world of Warcraft hehe but I see why you do I am the kind of person who can spend hours in a game just looking and how things are designed from monsters to environments items etc its all so interesting good luck starting again.

that's exactly my way to play games :)

Lol I literally have Acidyo's stream up on my other monitor watching it. I felt the same way when he started the Burning Crusade expansion...makes me want to go back too.

lol :D

Wow, I am really surprised. I really thought this is a teenage game but now reading your post I am starting to reconsider. Although, gamers will be gamers no difference how old or young. :)

I like this game Mr @paolobeneforti

Old memories. Games are for every age.

Nice article

I'm playing wow for over 5 years, and i really love this game, the only bad thing about wow is that it's addicting, i spend way to much time on clearing dungeons or killing people in battlegrounds. In my opinion most recent expansions aren't good, TBC and WOTLK are the best expansions, even 10 years after they released still thousands of people play:D nice article:)

WoW was fun, these days I gotta avoid games with addiction mechanisms built in. Feels dumb of me to spend time "grinding" to earn "experience points" because the developers want to monetize my time.

I'll try, too, to return to the game. I myself have not played for a long time

did you ever tried mobile device MMORPG?