RE: Slime Rancher!

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Slime Rancher!

in games •  6 years ago 

I stumbled upon this game for free about a year ago (Xbox gold I believe?) And was hooked! I loved collecting my little chicks but I learned quickly not to leave them with hungry kitty slime too long. My favorite slime was a toss between the water and the glow bugs. I stopped playing pretty soon after building drills when I wasn't sure how to deploy.

I played the rush mode before the original so I wasted so much time grinding for my rock, pink and cat plorts. May have to return to rush again and boop some big slimes off the cliff!

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Aww that's a shame, maybe they didnt have a good tutorial back then. It's quite easy to do the drills once you know the keys and spots. On keyboard it's "r", on an xbox controllet it's apparently the right stick (you need to press it). This will show the rarad and locations where you can place things (interact to place) :)

Thanks for the tip! I didn't dive too deeply in seeking answers, as it was a free game without much in the way of objectives. It's pretty typical for me to grow tired of the accumulation games, but the graphics were very cute.

Yeah I think you played while it was still early access, I saw some videos online :D
It's really great now and the tutorial is good.