🎲 Reduce Backgammon Stress 🎲 by Understanding Basic Probability & Statistics 🎲

in games β€’Β  6 years agoΒ  (edited)

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by Understanding Basic
Probability & Statistics


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I've played a gazillion games of backgammon,
since learning how to play in the Navy about 4 decades ago.

  • Not too long ago I would get so frustrated with the dice I would want to throw my smartphone against the wall and break it into a gazillion pieces. No way could they be that lucky! Thus began my quest to understand basic probability & statistics.
    • Once I figured out basic probability & statistics, I could actually laugh out loud when the AI opponent started having lucky dice. Because I understood that likely meant I had some hot dice coming up.
      • Life is good!

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What is probability & statistics?

According to dictionary.com

noun, plural probΒ·aΒ·bilΒ·iΒ·ties.

  • the relative possibility that an event will occur, as expressed by the ratio of the number of actual occurrences to the total number of possible occurrences.

  • the relative frequency with which an event occurs or is likely to occur.

  • .

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Flipping a coin

There are 2 possibilities when you flip a coin.

  • heads
  • tails

Lesson 1
What's the probability of getting heads when you flip a coin?

  • the ratio of the number of actual occurrences to the total number of possible occurrences.

    • There is 1 possibility of it coming up heads.
    • There are 2 total possible outcomes (1. heads 2. tails)
      • The probability of getting heads when you flip a coin = 1 / 2 = 0.5

Lesson 2
How do you convert a decimal to percent?
Multiply by 100
0.5 * 100 = 50%

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Rolling a dice

The dice used in backgammon has 6 sides.
What's the odds of rolling any particular number?
We can compare this with a bag of marbles; 5 blue and 1 red.
The red marble is the particular number you are looking for...

Lesson 3
If you have a bag with 5 blue marbles and 1 red marble,
what's the odds of reaching in the bag and pulling out the red marble?

  • the ratio of the number of actual occurrences to the total number of possible occurrences.

    • There is 1 possibility of picking the red marble.
    • There are 6 total possible outcomes (1 red marble + 5 blue marbles = 6 marbles)
      • The probability of getting the red marble = 1 / 6 = 0.1667 = 16.67%

Lesson 4
If you have a bag with 5 blue marbles and 1 red marble,
what's the odds of reaching in the bag and not pulling out a red marble (not getting the number you are looking for), or in other words, pulling out a blue marble?

  • the ratio of the number of actual occurrences to the total number of possible occurrences.

    • There are 5 possibilities of picking a blue marble.
    • There are 6 total possible outcomes (1 red marble + 5 blue marbles = 6 marbles)
      • The probability of getting the red marble = 5 / 6 = 0.8333 = 83.33%

You are nearly 5 times more likely to not roll the number you are looking for than you are.

You are nearly 5 times more likely to not roll the number you are looking for than you are.

You are nearly 5 times more likely to not roll the number you are looking for than you are.

I've always heard, if you repeat something 3 times, the person will remember it...

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Back to flipping a coin

Lesson 5
If you've flipped a coin 10 times and each time it came up heads,
what's the odds with the next flip it will come up heads?

  • the ratio of the number of actual occurrences to the total number of possible occurrences.

    • There is 1 possibility of it coming up heads.
    • There are 2 total possible outcomes (1. heads 2. tails)
      • The probability of getting heads when you flip a coin = 1 / 2 = .5 = 50%
        Or stated another 50 50

Lesson 6
If you've flipped a coin 1000 times and each time it came up heads,
what's the odds with the next flip it will come up heads?

  • the ratio of the number of actual occurrences to the total number of possible occurrences.

    • There is 1 possibility of it coming up heads.
    • There are 2 total possible outcomes (1. heads 2. tails)
      • The probability of getting heads when you flip a coin = 1 / 2 = .5 = 50%
        Or stated another 50 50

Lesson 7
If you've flipped a coin a gazillion times and each time it came up heads,
what's the odds with the next flip it will come up heads?

  • the ratio of the number of actual occurrences to the total number of possible occurrences.

    • There is 1 possibility of it coming up heads.
    • There are 2 total possible outcomes (1. heads 2. tails)
      • The probability of getting heads when you flip a coin = 1 / 2 = .5 = 50%
        Or stated another 50 50

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        Lucky #7.
        Time to stop with the lessons, at least for today...

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        If you learn this simple lesson, you will reduce backgammon stress:

Previous dice rolls do not affect future dice rolls.
@WizarDave said that! Feel free to quote me.
Probably not the first to say it...

  • As we will see in a later lesson, the odds of rolling double sixes are 1 in 36 or 2.78%
    • If your opponent has rolled 3 double 6's in a row, what's the odds of rolling a double 6 in the next roll?
      • Most people get this wrong thinking the odds are a gazillion to 1.
        Perhaps better stated as 1 in a gazillion.
        And that misunderstanding causes you to experience tremendous stress if your opponent rolls another double 6. 😀
    • My calculator does not handle gazillions, so I cannot convert that to a percentage for you, but it would be a very tiny number!
      • They cause themselves undue stress, because
        the correct answer is 2.78%.!

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A real life backgammon story

I was playing a tournament online one time,
and after a miraculous roll,
I am @WizarDave after all!
The opponent got all mad, said I was cheating and called the moderator. She explained what had just happened and I asked the moderator one simple question and told to think very carefully before she answered. Is it possible to hack your program and control the dice or did I simply get a very lucky roll? You see, if their program could be hacked who would ever want to play on their site again? She gave the obvious answer...

  • Congratulations on that amazingly lucky roll WizarDave!
    • My poor opponent probably quit playing backgammon that day.
      Backgammon is just too stressful!
      • Not really if you understand basic probability & statistics.

        🎲 🎲 🎲

Image Source: pixabay

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Nice quick summary on probability - I enjoyed the repeating of important points haha

Thanks @cryptobols.

  • My wife used to be an instructor at a cosmetology college. That's where I learned about the repeat trick. :D

this may be why I'm lousy at games of chance. not so much because I'm stressing over the probabilities of anyone, including me, rolling a favorable number, but because I'm too consistent at rolling the higher probability rolls. :)

In other words, whatever is of highest probability, that's what I get. So, if I could win with the highest probable roll, I would be awesome.

That's true @glenalbrethsen.

  • Sometimes being "lucky" isn't...
    • You might do good at craps then? I haven't played it much but I think if you can roll a bunch of 7's, the most probable number, you could win some big bucks! woohoo might be time to go to the boat!

Not much on gambling. Especially when the luck is always in favor of the house. If you do happen to win much more than you lose, they don't like it that much. So, it's not time for me to go to the boat, but I'm sure you can roll sevens even better than I could. :)

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

I love backgammon!
Even with all of your statistics, some people just seem luckier than others in dice. My great grandfather loved the craps tables. That's actually where he died. What are the odds of that?

If you can learn to play the odds, it does appear you are luckier.

  • The backgammon phone app I use keeps track of dice rolls. I'll get to thinking, wow I'm getting screwed, but check those stats and nope, they are pretty even after a few thousand games...
    • It might be kind of like the term 50 50 90, if you've ever heard that. If the odds are 50 50, it seems like 90% of the time we pick the wrong choice. Like when I plug in any USB cable, I just plan on having to flip it over to make it fit, because it seems like 90% of the time my first attempt doesn't work. But, I bet (haha) if I kept track, it's actually about 50% of the time. It just seems like 90% because of the frustration...

What are the odds of that?

Hmm, I'm going to guess about 1 in a gazillion?

  • My Dad liked the craps tables. He would double his bet every time he missed a 50/50 bet. That worked out pretty well for him.
Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

Yes, the cruellest game ;-) even understanding the stats!

Yes, it can be very frustrating! haha!

  • Seeing someone win with lucky dice even though they make terrible moves. Oh man, my blood pressure used to go through the roof!

Abracadabra= you cheated πŸ™„ Gotta love it 🎲
P.S. gonna steal a dice while I am here

haha yes, she was having a bad day. She met a superior player who was losing to her lucky dice, until he got a very lucky roll and won. haha What a roller coaster ride of emotions backgammon can be! haha

  • Gotta love emojis 🎲

I caught that you really are magic πŸ™€

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

Maybe I have to read this three times to understand it :D

I understand it but I still have a hard time accepting it. I mean if a coin flip comes up heads a gazillion times, in my head the odds just have to be that a tails will come up. But noooo! It's still 50 50 chance. I have a really hard time with that one for sure!

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

I guess even wizards are flummoxed :D

I just tried flipping a coin with the tail showing. It showed tail the first flip and then heads the succeeding six ones. Is there a certain way to flip it? Does it matter what side is showing first?

Heads up flip T T H T T H T
Tails up flip T T T T T H T
Spinning instead of flipping H T H T T H H
haha I have no clue what those results mean!
What I do know is with the next flip the odds are 50 50 of being heads or tails...

If you experiment with big numbers the result is a bell curve.
It's been awhile, so I looked it up.
They call the bell curve, normal distribution.
This page has a good explanation...
That first graph show that if you flip a coin 10 times, only about 25% of the time will you get exactly a 50 50 split.

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

Hmmm...it seems even if you flipped 10 times, it will not be able to meet the 50/50 split :D

Maybe I'll try the more times of flipping and experiment. Thanks for the link! So the more numbers, the more chances.

Only a BubbleHead would play Backgammon real Sailors played Acey Ducey