Humble Deep Silver Bundle 2

in games •  9 years ago  (edited)

Pay $1 or more for Sacred 3 Gold, Risen, Risen 2: Dark Waters Gold Edition, Saints Row 2, Dead Island: Game of the Year Edition, and a coupon for 10% off one month of Humble Monthly for new subscribers

Pay more than the average price to also receive Dead Island Riptide Complete Edition, Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition, Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package, and a coupon for 75% off Dead Island Definitive Collection in the Humble Store.

Pay $13 or more for all of that plus Saints Row IV and Risen 3 Titan Lords.

Pros: This corporate Humble Bundle actually lets you select the charity of your choice. I like that I can give a bit of money to the Electronic Frontier Foundation and get some games too.

Cons: "Bitcoin payments have been disabled for the Humble Deep Silver Bundle 2." What the hell Humble Bundle? Between having a minimum payment of $2.50 for bitcoin purchases and now this, I'm gonna be using the option with what I assume are the highest fees, Paypal, and not including a cent for the Humble Tip out of spite.

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