The Blockchain Platform That Helps To Monetize Cyberathletes Professional Advancement

in gamestars •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Introduction to GameStars

If you are going to invest in digital currency, then there are 50% 50% chances of risks and benefits. Now a days, cybersports is one of the rapidly growing market which is expected to increase 38% more than last year.

GameStars is an e-sport platform which gives opportunity to the cyberathletes to develop their own personal tournament, participate in different level of tournaments or to get investment for their professional work. The cyberathletes can attract the sponsors after forming a team on GameStars and they can also add new players at different ranks of the team.

This e-sport platform trusts only on its tokens. As token holders can do anything for the success of GST, so GST has high chances to grow in the world of cryptocurrency. At GameStars website normally 500 million tokens are available for purchase at token sale and the unsold tokens will be burnt at the end. So only those investors can get benefits who are smart enough to get GST in time.

GameStars is based on blockchain which is providing useful solutions to all members i.e. cyber athlete, investors advertisers and sponsors. It is safe from frauds and scams due to the use of smart contracts and blockchain technology.

How GameStars deal with Market issues?

Initial barrier for the beginners:

To qualify for a top tournament or to become a member of top team an intensive training is required. So, mostly millions of the beginners and intermediate players can not gain access to the tournaments which are available for top teams only.

Solution by GameStars:

GameStars gives an opportunity to cyberathlete to get prize money by providing them a chance to participate in various tournaments at different levels and also give them access to get necessary experience required for a tournament.

Problems faced by cyberathletes in funding:

If the professional training session of cyberathlete decide his success chances, then the teamwork, analysis of game and work on useful strategies can safe him from distraction. Professional e-sports require lots of funding for training, experienced coaching, good equipments and reliable team. Cyberathlete mostly spend 10 to 16 hours in their training which can affect their health, so they want special care to decrease the unwanted illness. They need funds to safe themselves from many distracting factors. But which source can help them to raise funding?

Solution provided by GameStars:

Through the cyberathlete initial coin offering process, GameStars is giving a wide range of function which will help cyberathlete to get funds for his professional development.

This platform also provides full access to the investors or sponsors to check potential of the athlete on the basis of statistics and analytical data.

Problem of non payments to the winner of the tournament:

A proper organized system of relation is needed between the players of the team and organizers to avoid the problem of non payment of prize money. There are some cases which has decreased the trust of the cyberathletes on the organizers because the players are left without any giving prize money in the end. At that time players were facing many problems because there was no clear way to approach the organizers, claim for the repayment obligation of prize money or to fulfill these obligations on time.

Solution provided by GameStars:

With the use of smart contracts, GameStars provides best solution to this problem. After the transfer of whole prize money to the smart contract, the prize winners get paid automatically when the tracing module send the match results.

Problem to organize a personal tournament:

Lots of money and time is required to organize a tournament. If 10 persons are involved to create a concept and plan an event then it takes 3 to 6 months to organize an average cycle of the tournament. But more than 300 people are required to hold the responsibilities of a large tournament. An investor or cyberathlete cannot organize a tournament alone.

Solution provided by GameStars:

You can organize your tournament by using GameStars effortlessly and quickly. The organizer of the tournament includes the experienced sponsors, players and GameStars platform.

Benefits of using GameStars due to smart contracts


The smart contracts codes are difficult to hack or replace due to decentralized storage of data.


The whole process of smart contracts is concluded automatically with great efficiency. No human resource is required for this process.


To conclude a smart contract, participants do not need any third party.


The public appearance of the logic of smart contract operations allows all participants included in the process to check it anytime.


After the code of smart contract is published in the blockchain, you cannot change it. The loss of data or any change to the logic of operation is not possible. You have to clear mathematical algorithms to operate the procedure.

Types of token you can use on GameStars platform:

Two types of tokens can be used on the platform of GameStars

Gamestars # token # (GST token):

Within the system, GST token is the primary source of payment for settlement. On the Ethereum platform it is considered as ERC20 standard token and 500 million GST tokens can be issued at one time. It helps to increase funds for the development of the platform.

Personal token of cyberathlete:

A personal smart contract of cyberathlete can be created after the emission of series of individual tokens which promotes the sharing of this cyberathlete earning. On the Ethereum platform, it is taken as ERC20 standard token with additional functions. For each cyberathlete 100 personal tokens can be issued at one time. It helps to increase the funding for professional growth of cyberathlete.

Advantages for the GameStars participants


By taking part in different tournaments or after selling personal tokens, the cyber athletes can make money through GameStars. The raised funds can be used for professional development or tournament participation fees.

Advertisers or sponsors:

It helps the advertising companies to choose a player, team or event which is suitable for the promotion of their product or brand. It allows the sponsors to invest in a potential cyberathlete and get profit.

Team manager:

Team manager can create a team, search for new players or increase the funding for tournament participation by using GameStars.


After purchasing the GST tokens from token sale, investors and professional traders can make money after trading them at higher prices at various exchanges.


On the basis of people who are getting attracted towards e-sports, we can predict that GameStars has an amazing potential in the market. This platform is providing opportunities to the new or experienced cyberathletes to get funding for their professional growth. To convert the investment process into honest, transparent and flexible operation, GameStars is using smart contract and blockchain. You should visit the site for more detail.

Learn more about Gamestars

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