Why World of Tanks sucks ?

in gaming •  8 years ago 

 At the beginning of this article I must mention that I respect World of Tanks and do not consider it a bad game, not everyone must agree with what I write here. 

WoT won the hearts of players as early as 2010. Older and younger players are playing it. This is a game with a lot of potential, but a few things I do not like in it. Today I will present 3 main disadvantages of World of Tanks 


 1. Players and their culture - I know that in every MMO game there is a group of noobs and kids who you are cursed, cursed and so on ... but the biggest problems with that are at WOT. I remember once I fired this game, I chose a tank and a map. Started. It was good, even someone managed to shoot :) but the whole game was played by players, not just their game, but the chats that they were chatting on.

 I understand that while playing the game people are captivated by emotions, but mating each other "because that is better" is not just sense. I believe # Wargaming.net will do something about it. I believe they will do something in the style of chat correction and punish those who are specifically killed, shoot at their own and talk unhappily.

 2. PREMIUM- This is probably the biggest drawback of World of Tanks. Suppose you are a middle-level player, you play well but not delicious, you have a tank bought for winning battles. Suddenly you are facing a duel with a guest who has IDENTICAL skills like you but has a tank and a PREMIUM missile. You have no chance. 

In my opinion, to be good you need to spend your real money is cruel. Yes, it has its supporters and as if I was playing a lot in WoT I would probably buy it, but this is about the fact itself. Some people just buy the game to play it without paying cash - Wargaming think about it.

its no fair.

3.  Game engine- So let's start with BigWorld or graphics. Well ... the engine has basically been in existence for more than 10 years still being improved and adapted. The miracle is not there, but it is not bad - it renders, the bushes do not bush so play will give. The problem is with optimization and cores - once that works on one core only, two are heavily resourceful (80% of the computation of the PC consists of graphics). To this map are the Mega Bytes sinks - loading a 1x1km piece lasts a long time (which at the same time CryEngine or FrostBite generates much more powerful areas - see Battlefield 3.)

 Engine mechanics - this requires a bit of refinement. There are "lags" (disappearing tanks, missiles, etc), but it is not a nuisance in everyday games.

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Strongly agree, I used to play this game, had 8 tier. I would add some other cons of this game: patches change a lot, i.e. once they nerfed artilery, I used to like playing them. Another: It's not a casual game, at least on higher tiers - most people ther play for statistics, not for fun.
But its still fun game though.

Right. This game is broken

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

World of Tanks has it's problems. I don't play it much for these reasons:

  1. No historical mode/battles.
  2. No PvE.
  3. Multiple guns don't work.
  4. No hull upgrades.
  5. No infantry or machine guns that work.
  6. Only one mode - Random Battle ( if they have others, it's either for tier 10, or soon canceled).
  7. No wheeled vehicles and Multiple Rocket Launchers.
  8. The higher tier you go the less credits you get and higher tiers going negative even with premium. Higher tier more fun to play, but not possible to play with WoT economy.
  9. It does not work on PS Vita and PlayStation 3.

Been here, done that. Not bashing, just mentioning these have been applied to the game and got ruined one way or another:

  1. Historical battles was a thing. Was put on hold. Permanently. Historical MM was clogged because everyone just wanted to play with Tiger Is and never launched because the lack of T-34s and Panzer 4s. Also because some people don't understand what 'historical' meant at all. (Can't equip the long 88 because russian bias!)

  2. Halloween event was PvE. Guess it's still on test to not make it permanently.

  3. Halloween event got them working. And thank god it's not on a real game. Trust me, it's confusing as hell.

  4. That'll imply bump the game to T or even M. Not worth to close potential future customers.

  5. All rumors but the Italian Tier X might be a wheeled vehicle. For the launchers the idea was scrapped like the Sturmtiger. "Unable to balance"

Only thing I can agree with you is the hull upgrades. It was actually planned to put in game, but I'm feeling the idea got scrapped too. Shame.

Haven't you played the Levithian boss tank in PVE during halloween event? :D

That mode is epic imo. I thought they gift those Halloween tanks for free, but turned out it just for the event only.

You have to add that Soviet Bias too. Soviet line is too stronk but the dispersion and pen value might be a little worse.