ADSactly Game Review - Mafia III

in gaming •  7 years ago 

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Mafia III

It's that time of the week again, weekend but also time for your weekly game review fix.

It's another one of those awesome months where you get a pretty epic free game for being a loyal PlayStation Plus subscriber. This month we got Mafia 3, which is one of those games I have been wanting to pick up for quite a while, but it has never really stood out just enough, or there has always been something better to buy. The only reason I started playing this was because I'm very much in between games right now, like games and me were on a break for a bit, and the only reason I decided to get stuck into Mafia was for all of you.

I don't think I ever played the first installment of this series, but I rather enjoyed the second one, and so much so, that I recall watching all the Godfather films again because of it. It was basically like GTA, but set in the Italian mobster under world, where your character had to work his way up in the family to then become a made guy. I was pretty keen to get back into this Tony Soprano world, but unfortunately this was not set in the same era as the game before. Mafia 3 takes a more modern approach the to mob world, and is set in the mid sixties early seventies, and of the era's out there, this is by far my least favorite.

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Our story begins in the year 1968 and revolves around Lincoln Clay, a mixed-race African American orphan raised in New Bordeaux.

The city is a fictional one, loosely based on New Orleans in Louisiana, and is where Lincoln returns to after he has finished serving in the Vietnam War in the Special Forces Group. He reunites with his surrogate father Sammy Robinson, who is the leader of a black mob gang and his adopted brother Ellis. Lincoln then learns of an ongoing turf war between Sammy's gang and the Haitian Mob, and due to this it has put Sammy in serious debt with Sal Marcano, the Don of the Marcano crime family. The Don was also loosely inspired by the real-life Carlos Marcello and the New Orleans crime family. The only way Lincoln knows how to help, is to track down the Haitian Mob, which he does and finds them in a shanty town and then kills the leader, Baka.

This peaks the interest of the Don Sal, who then personally requested that Lincoln come meet with him, to discuss the outstanding debt. The Don then asks him to take over from Sammy, who he feels is too weak to lead and won't be able to pay off the owed debt. Lincoln refuses out of loyalty to his father, and instead decides to works with Sal's son Giorgi to rob the Louisiana Federal Reserve and steal enough money to pay off the debt. The heist is pretty much where you start playing with the character, and get the standard introduction tutorial of the controls and the basic functions of what to do and how to do it.

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The Federal Reserve heist is an amazing success and you make off with enough money to pay the debt off about a hundred times over.

Once the heat dies down, Lincoln get invited by Sammy to meet up at their base of operations to celebrate, once there they have an enormous party and all get pretty wasted. That's when Sal and Giorg crash the party and kill everyone there, they burn the place down leaving Lincoln for dead. Luckily he survives and Father James, one of Lincoln's oldest friends, rescues him and nurses him back to health. As he recovers, an old friend contacts him, John Donovan, his CIA handler from his days in Vietnam. Lincoln makes a deal to help him but in exchange asks Donovan to use his resources and expertise to help Lincoln exact revenge on Don Sal and Giorg Marcano and take over New Bordeaux.

This is where the game actually only starts, Lincoln Clay has to build up his own crime syndicate little by little. To start, Lincoln recruits three fellow criminals as underbosses of New Bordeaux. The first is the Haitian crime lord Cassandra, who is not completely sold on Lincoln, due to him assassinating her predecessor during the war with Sammy. The second is Irish Mob leader Thomas Burke, whose son Danny was double-crossed and killed after taking part in the heist, and who wants nothing more than to get even with Sal. The final underboss is Vito Scaletta, an Italian mafioso and Marcano ally exiled from Empire Bay, which was the fictional city similar to New York in the previous game, who has now since fallen out of favor with Don Sal.

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"You talk about vengeance. Is vengeance going to bring your son back to you, or my boy to me? I forgo the vengeance of my son. But I have selfish reasons. My youngest son was forced to leave this country because of this Sollozzo business. All right, now I have to make arrangements to bring him back here safely cleared of all these false charges. But I'm a superstitious man, and if some unlucky accident should befall him... if he should be shot in the head by a police officer, or if he should hang himself in his jail cell, or if he's struck by a bolt of lightning, then I'm going to blame some of the people in this room, and that I do not forgive. But, that aside, let me say that I swear, on the souls of my grandchildren, that I will not be the one to break the peace we have made here today." - Don Corleone

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I have some really mixed feelings about this game so far as I'm still playing it but would gauge I'm probably past the halfway mark.

The game so far has had it's highs and lows, and to be honest, I was a bit disappointed with it not set in the same era as Mafia 2 the thirties. I literally can't tell you how much I despise the late sixties, up and until the eighties, maybe it is bell-bottom jeans and leg warmers with way too much perming of hair that put me off. Once I got over that, and really got stuck into playing, it was great, the story is very well written and the characters are as well. There are some amazing characters in this game who have great depth, that you really start caring for, and those who you want nothing more than to die a very slow death. The setting does give a great perspective of the societal structures during this time, just after the Vietnam war, there was still a huge racial divide in America, and this is almost a first hand perspective, playing as African American character.

There were some major glitches in the game that has almost made me not want to play it anymore, like every now and again the main mission quest just disappears, or you come to the quest objective and that has disappeared. I really wouldn't mind this if the game was brand new, but Mafia 3 is now almost two years old, and the developers could have provided a patch for this long ago. Not just that, I can't use any of my grenades or explosives, it has just glitched out, so I will have to do without. The other bummer is that it is rather repetitive, each mission follows the same structure no matter what you do, the people at the end just keep changing. So now I'm just kind of going through the motions to get it finished.

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Mafia III is an action-adventure role playing video game and was developed by Hangar 13 and published by 2K Games.

This was so far the only game ever made by the folks at Hangar 13, and you can kind of tell. It was released in October 2016 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows, and in May 2017 for macOS, which is not something you see very often. There are a very limited amount of games you are able to find for Mac. If you are lucky enough to be on PlayStation and have a PS Plus subscription, then you will have the option to download this for free until the end of this month. The game is about two years old so you will definitely be able to pick this up for next to nothing at your favorite online store.

I give Mafia 3 a rating of 5/10

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In case you missed it, here is the previous game review

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Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.


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Game review for ADSactly by MorkRock

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not
necessarily reflect the official policy or position of ADSactly

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Positive points :

  • The gunfights and the realism of the damage (as much on the enemies as on oneself, 3-4 balls enough to kill you).
  • Driving, cars and especially big muscle cars.
  • Music.
  • The racist atmosphere of the time, which give you even more desire to drown redneck.
  • The map, not huge but sufficient.
  • A rather engaging main plot ...

Negative points :

  • ... but very repetitive side missions.
  • The management of lights, sometimes dazzling, sometimes absent.
  • AI enemies, if we can still talk about intelligence.
  • Little (or no) customization, either in the game options or in the game itself.

In conclusion, Mafia 3 remains a good game with nice gameplay especially in the phases of gunfight or conduct, which makes the secondary missions more enjoyable although repetitive. Even if the graphics are not extraordinary (the graphics are pretty good but no more than another game of the PS4), the game is still beautiful thanks to the different neighborhoods and the beautiful colors of the vehicles. In addition, quality music and beautiful cutscenes we are still a little pus in the dark atmosphere of the game.
Finally, because of the AI ​​a bit strawberry enemies making the infiltration too simple, we prefer the strong way, especially in difficulty "difficult", 3-4 balls are enough to kill you, which makes the enemies more tough.

Thanks for the great analysis and your pros and cons points. I just happy I didn't actually have to pay for this, I would probably have been much more pissed off if I had to part with money for this.

Today's game is the best game I am happy to see this game I install this game and I play this game ..
So thanks a lot for sharing this game dear @adsactly

Gaming is my very favorite thing and personally I play always game actually Thanks for sharing this your valuable content and really I am happy now @adsactly and I am happy now cause I seen your post fluently..

This review just be very informative and very extra ordinary just I like this game my fond of community @adsactly..

Hey there please carry on your activitives and I know that you carry and overcome your your all situation and we will support always time..
So carefully to provide your valuable content in this platform and I think that your community is the best community than other sector of all of this community..
Go buddy go @adsactly.

This game had so much potential... The free roam in this was worse than the free roam in the first Mafia... Like there is absolutely nothing to do. Buy clothing? Nope. Get a whiskey or maybe a cola and a burger? Nope. Actually choose your personal car? NOPE. Why did they even go through all the trouble of naming and marking restaurants, bars, even laundromats on your map when you can't do shit in them anyway?

Oh I'm so with you on that, it became mundane way too quickly, all there was to do was just pick up the same item over and over. Hahahah I didn't even notice the naming part, thanks for pointing that out.

Rethinking brands is actually a fair trade-off between the desire of players to see something original and the desire of publishers to earn on this very brand without investing extra money in promotion. In the end, the names take on very vague meanings, but everyone does not give a shit - if only the games were good. And then time itself will put everything in its place, and people will stop resenting the changes. So it was, for example, with Far Cry and Max Payne, and so it is, I hope, with Prey. But not with "Mafia 3", unfortunately. Not because the new concept is bad, but because the game itself can disappoint even those who did not expect anything from it.
Something is wrong either with time or with a place. The American 60's are a time of mass protests, cultural revolutions, public reflection from the Vietnam War, the Kennedy assassination and so on. The brightest decade for the States in the 20th century. But none of this is associated with gangsters. There was a hope that this backround will play with new colors when the developers begin to talk about the black mafia and Louisiana mores, but ... Nothing of the sort happened.

Really? At least three families were brought down due to actions of the 60s. Who do you think was the importer for all the dope from the 60s? There was even a theory that the Mafia had Kennedy hit because they felt like they had been double crossed by Bobby and the Justice Department. I'd say the 60s were the last decade of the Mafia having full control of organized crime.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Very interesting points, from both of you guys. I really don't think the era worked with this game.

its a good game, in my opinion mafia 2 was great...i dont understand why they would make a game nowadays and not have vehicle customization and diff clothing options. .thats what makes a game like mafia 2 and the gta series great..its the small things that add up

Yeah they really missed the mark when it comes to the little things in this game, after reading most of these comments I'm less and less keen on finishing this game.

I have been wanting to pick up for quite a while, but it has never really stood out just enough, or there has always been something better to buy.

I can relate to this. I’ve been in this situation sooo many times before. But always, once you decide to pull the trigger, it feels like a Christmas present especially when you get it as a gift. Godfather films are one of my favorite of all times and you are right, the game has a bit feelings of it. Music, hats, clothes, cars, killing other gang members...

There were some major glitches in the game that has almost made me not want to play it anymore,...

Along with other disappointing moments such as repetitiveness, I’m not surprised you are giving “Mafia III” very low rating.
Great review though!

Lol glad someone could relate, thanks for the comment good sir.

Yooo it is great nowadays gaming is the trend of everybody and it is cool it increases the creativity power..
I really enjoying your review on Mafia three..

nice review !

Nice post

Very interesting and exciting you
told about his passion for this game!
I'm even interested, @adsactly

nice game post...

The Mafia Saga goes on🤘

I want to play thos game. I like action game.
Hi dear adsactly dude. Im new on steemit. Please visit me. Hope you like me

@MorkRock and @adsactly, Good to see the review of this game, and good to know your review, and yes everyone can have different feelings means some can like it to fullest and some can feel downside but in this case you had mixed feelings.

And I've never played any Play Station game so i am not aware of the play station experience but these images shows that this game is awesome and reflects as having an great story too.

And good to hear that you compared this game with Grand Theft Auto games to some extent so i can imagine the game play for sure. And i really like to play the games on PC Version.

And my favourite games are, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and Max Payne 3 and previous series, and also bought the GTA 5 but it's not working on my PC and waiting to play it.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

The story behind this game is great and i love the retro 1960 theme it had going for it but I'm going to be honest and say I abandoned this game not even halfway through. Not sure if its a console thing but like you mentioned it got pretty buggy at times, which isn't helpful when you're in an open world style game.

The missions also quickly became a rinse and repeat for me and I just couldn't get myself to finish it

Mafia 3 is a great game among other gangster game. I really love this game but some of this games part do not make any sense. In this game, you can do everything like other open world games but you can't do anything big. Also the storyline of this game is good but the gameplay is good but not that much good. If we compare previous mafia series game this game does not satisfy me rather than the previous one.

The game is not bad but at times I think this could have been so much more.

The game is not bad
But at times I think this could
Have been so much more.

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