RE: New pc... what to play now?

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New pc... what to play now?

in gaming •  7 years ago 

Grats on having a gaming desktop.I have a gaming laptop, Alienware and I can give you tips on what I play.

Soccer: FIFA although you need to become familiarize with the controls before playing with ease. (Either XBOX and PSP controller or keyboard)

If you like strategy games: Empire Total War, Europa Universalis 4, City Skylines. They have a huge learning curve.

Action games: Grand Theft Auto(I never own the game but looking at your specs it can run just fine), Just Cause 2 (Shooting game). Those two are open ended games meaning u can become addicted exploring them

I think thats all. If u know the all school Maplestory, I also play that as well.

I hope you will take into consideration the games I play. Cheers!

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oh yeah, i forgot i do not like sport games much. just cause is interesting, but if i'm not wrong is a bit old, isn't it?

Thanks for the upvote

Its not old. FIFA games got updated every year because soccer teams changed on a year on year basis. For other sports games, Im not sure. No problem bro.