486/DOS Game Reviews, Volume 1: Abuse

in gaming •  6 years ago 

Are you a masochist? Do you like to be punished by brutally hard games? Then you'll like the aptly named Abuse. Abuse is essentially a sidescrolling shooter/platformer trying to be a first person shooter. If that sounds like a contradiction, let me explain.

In abuse, you move your character with the arrow keys. Left runs left, right runs right, up jumps, down activates ingame buttons. However, you control aiming independently using the mouse. This is what made Abuse innovative for its time.

Nowadays plenty of 2D games control that way. Terraria, for example. But back then, applying mouselook to a sidescroller was really innovative. Everything else about it is cool, but generic. You're a space marine fighting aliens.

By aliens I mean xenomorphs specifically, down to a T. They weren't shy about their influences. Still, the unprecedented freedom of independent movement and aiming control makes action faster and more frenetic than more traditionally designed DOS platformer/shooters, like Duke Nukem II for example.

I give Abuse a 7/10. It's very well designed and innovative but thematically very derivative. It's like any generic techbase aliens vs space marines fps on the Android store today, but demade for DOS.

Stay Cozy!

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Dude it's hard to see these games now! Probably this is what we call as Antique of Computers and it's gaming! Enjoy well!


Looks challenging enough, had it not been for the fact that is 2D and a little outdated i would have just tried my hands on it😄

Common, this game is too old. 2D?

This game is very interesting, it reminds me when I played for hours AGAIN that it is a bit similar to this game, the difference is that only the character that is human changes, but the graphics are very similar, the way of playing it is against a control was used, but now there are many emulators to play it on a pc.

And also though you gave quite an explanation, I'd have loved to see a video of you playing the game like you do usually for previous games

Yeah I have played a similar 2D game in my childhood named contra. It was same as this one

Sounds abusive...lol. how's the vacay going Alex?

Jesus, you're not kidding about them not shying away from showing their influences, lol. I guess I wouldn't have complained, since I fucking love Xenomorphs. It is kinda funny to see though.

On a side note, what do you think of Terraria? I'm assuming you played it since you mentioned it. I picked it up many moons ago during one of the summer/winter sales and have yet to touch it. Thought about it, but I've already got so many games collecting dust that I need to play, and producing gaming content to post here also takes up a lot of my gaming time.

I don't really know, but having seen let's plays of them both, I think I'd enjoy Starbound more.

Ah, I haven't even watched a Lets Play for Terraria yet. I assumed you probably had first hand experience since from the description it seemed up your alley. I only picked it up after dozens of recommendations on Reddit comments like 2 years ago. They must have really wowed me since I don't think I've even done more than look at screenshots for it when I bought it during a sale.

Sounds like one of those that was probably so amazing at the time but age hasn’t treated it well unless you appreciate the innovation behind it.

Posted using Partiko iOS

"applying mouselook to a sidescroller was really innovative." Truth. I would have been super impressed by that back in those days. Even a lot of early FPS games didn't incorporate that kind of aiming. I remember in the origional Wolfenstein 3D you had to just point yourself in the general direction of the enemy and you would hit it.

Your game is interesting , really amazing game . I like your game . Thanks for sharing @alexbeyman

I love gaming but 2d gaming is not interesting I like 3 d game thanks for sharing

Abuse seems to be interesting game from your description. I will try it. Thanks for sharing @alexbeyman

Terraria, I know what game it is because I played it and I also know more or less what you are talking about, there are video games that take one out and about masochism, well, no ... I do not like masochism as well the ravietas that happened with video games in 2D and 3D but, ultimately I end up not playing until the other day, but if it looks very emotional and interesting your videogame at some point you can play it, not because of laziness or just interest if not to devote time to other games and anime series with which I am now occupying.

Is the game available for Android, I'd like to kill the game this weekend ☺️💪