486/DOS Game Reviews, Volume 2: Rise of the Triad

in gaming •  6 years ago 

This game is intentionally "wacky", which is normally cringe fuel except all the gimmicks go a long way to make the gameplay interesting despite a primitive 3D engine and it's all played with a totally straight face. Hold onto your butts, I'm Johnny Knoxville and this is Rise of the Triad.

If it's one whole year in the future how come I don't see any flying cars in the sky? Checkmate atheists, 1 like equals 1 prayer

MMmmmm, get a load of that gorgeous 256 color 1990s DOS pixel art. I am a strange man with strange needs.

The art more or less depicts nazis with the symbology removed because this was going to be a sequel to wolfenstein 3D originally.

More pseudo-nazis. Not-nazis. Which guys in this picture are Nazis? Not zees! I'm not sorry.

OH NO our boat has become EXPLOSIONS :0 Oh well only me, a hot redhead and a hot asian on this big 'ol island, far from civilization. Truly the worst hell.

Here is the plot, summarized. We're looking at the shakespeare of our times. Truly this is a tale the depth and complexity of which has rarely been seen outside of a JRPG.

During the development of Rise of the Triad, Doom came out and the engine technology dramatically outclassed it. Back then ROTT was little more than Wolfenstein 3D with floor and ceiling textures, new guns, new levels, new textures and new enemies.

In order to keep the game relevant, the devs knew they would have to take drastic action. Which they did. They had the choice of moving the game over to a then-embryonic BUILD engine, but it just wasn't ready. Instead, they pushed the Wolfenstein engine as far as it could go, and a little further.

The first difference you may notice, besides ground and sky textures, is that there are floating platforms. These sprites you could walk on were called GADs: Gravitational Anomaly Discs. They added the ability to have floors above other floors in an engine which couldn't even have different floor/ceiling heights within a level.

You could make stairs out of them. You could make floors, you could have them move around to serve as elevators or train-like transportation. There were also flat maskwalls which could be used to form floors higher than the main one, as seen above.

This nearly perverse stretching of the already obsolete Wolfenstein 3D engine far, far beyond its intended limits made possible such creativity and variation in game design that it almost held up to Doom. Almost. You could still only have 90 degree corners.

But you could have bounce pads, flame traps, pits, rolling boulders, gas chambers (which you needed a gas mask item to survive). You could become God, 11 feet tall and smiting opponents with ball lightning fired from your outstretched hand. You could become a literal dog, tearing enemies apart Cujo style.

You could get high on mushrooms, view bobbing helplessly around as enemies flash every color of the rainbow. You could fly around with the Icarus powerup to reach high places. You could use the elasto mode powerup which eliminates friction and makes you bounce off surfaces.

It was a relentlessly goofy game. But it came out of it all the better for it, with loads of charm. Being basically tile based, it had a lot of potential for creative interaction between different tile types in levels. Much the same as the 2D Mario games, or Minecraft.

This made possible all sorts of absurd scenarios, like rolling boulders falling from chutes and proceeding to roll up staircases made of GADs. Or a touchplate triggering walls of spinning blades mowing down and shredding baddies you'd otherwise have needed to fight.

Besides the stellar singleplayer campaign with a hidden alternate ending(!), there was also an unprecedented variety of multiplayer modes including the first CTF in any fps game, the first king of the hill mode and more. It was a trendsetter for multiplayer fps features in many, many ways.

This was sold optionally in sets of 12 licenses so you could reasonably cheaply set up every PC in a lan party with its own legal copy and get to fragging. Pressing the appropriate button would sound a "remote ridicule", the grandpappy of modern taunts, wherein the player would audibly spout some quip to make fun of the other players.

It's hard to fault Rise of the Triad for anything except technology. They really did as much as humanly possible with the engine they had paid for the rights to use, and made something truly special that I doubt they would've if they didn't have something to prove.

That said, I can't give it a 10/10 just because no game is totally perfect. The technical shortcomings in the modern day aren't important to anybody who still plays these old games but they were a big point against the game at the time of release. So I'm going to give it a 9/10, with much love and wishing I could give it a 10.

*Stay Cozy!

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Oh man I used to have that game when I was a kid and I loved it back then. I was super into a bunch of the early fps games. Killing Time, Redneck Rampage, and Blood were all pretty cool too but they were a few years later and they played more like Duke Nukem 3D. Dark Forces was also alright. I think Quake was the big game changer if I remember correctly though because it had legit 3D graphics.

Hell yeah, that was my jam too. Also Shadow Warrior. Though Redneck Rampage had some creative level design and good looking textures I would still say Blood was the best of the bunch. The reason they played like Duke3D is that Blood, Redneck Rampage, Shadow Warrior and Duke Nukem 3D were all based on the same 3D engine called BUILD.

Haha yeah Blood was great. It definitely had the aesthetic but I never did get Shadow Warrior. I miss 90's games in a lot of ways. They certainly didn't look as good but they made up for that with charm. I'm still salty that the old style rts games have fallen out of favor too. I used to spend hours playing those things and I still would if they were any good ones around.

Yah no game is perfect every game has its own technical issues

When I saw the name I thought it would be about the street gang Triads but definitely different. Honestly seems like a decent game, level design seems cool.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Have to confess I've not played this one. Looks great, thanks for highlighting it. Might have to fire up DosBox again...

Never ceases to amaze me how much was done with so little back then in terms of available hardware power. Memory still measured in Mb!

That god power is pretty awesome, just go around smiting everyone. The lightning seems to track your enemies too.

Wait, there was a plot? :P

I remember there was something about this game that made me think it was a step above Doom, even though I'd already played Doom a lot. I don't remember what it was though. Maybe I was impressed by the goofier weapons.

You are absolutely right to give a 9/10 a very interesting game and I almost believe if you could give it 10/10 no one would criticize you for that a very complete game and that shows the different ways of playing but also gives you great possibilities to improve your game in first person with the transformations that help you to make the game a little easier.
Always the Naziz involved in action or war games.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

A redhead and an asian? The 'not soul' duo. Games has been always more inclusives for all people.

I did not about this game. But it really seems complex it plot terms. And remins me the 'Doom' games.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

During the development of Rise of the Triad, Doom came out and the engine technology dramatically outclassed it.

Doom is one of the video games o actually played many years ago. I’m not that video game guy, but I clearly remember Doom was sooo addictive. With that said, I’m pretty sure “Rise of the Triad” especially when you gave it almost 10 rating.
BTW: I prefer working with guns instead of just hands !

You're right, no game is perfect or better than another, for my part I've played Wolfestein 3D on Java mobile and similar games to this ... Have you played Bunker 3D, Laboratory 3D and Castle 3D? They are for mobile, it is also about the Nazi war where a Russian infiltrates those places, the game is Russian and the menu is almost not understood, but it is very emotional, in my case I would give 9/10 because if you played it you would see that it is almost the same plot as Wolfestein, of course it is a JRPG video game ... I recommend you play it for mobile phones with Java platform are very good and are based on what was the Second World War.


I just love it while read it here and I am gonna try it and will share my experience. Thank you.

I love this game cuz it has an astounding story line couple with a simple interface to give the best gaming experience.....i must have to try this out sir😇😀

@alexbeymen how i find this game

The old DOS games are great.

I will try this game