[VR Game Review] Beats Fever: Music/Rhythm Based Gameplay in VR

in gaming •  7 years ago  (edited)


I haven't been playing as much VR as I used to on account of how busy I've been with fixing this place up and finding roommates. But I got the chance recently to try out a rhythm game I bought on a whim ages ago, called "Beats Fever" by developer "Arrowiz".


I was expecting something similar to DDR. It's more like those Japanese rhythm games you play on PC using your mouse, except in this case you use motion controllers. There's just a handful of stages but they're suitably impressive, such as London, Tokyo and Rio de Janeiro.


The music is thumping and awesome. There's an abundance of dubstep which lends itself well to this genre, but also country, classic rock and even polka. I would say it's pretty heavily unbalanced in favor of dubstep though and could use more musical variety than it has now.


There's a faint grid of dots before you. This is a goal of sorts, which the colorful spheres representing musical notes fly towards. Your job is to not allow them to reach the goal, swatting them instead with one of your glowing...light sabers? Not quite. They resemble more the cone tipped flashlights used by airport workers to direct planes on the tarmac.


The incoming notes are arranged such that they're more easily struck in succession if you make sweeping, stylish arm motions. Once you have a good idea of what movements you're intended to do, getting a high score on a given song becomes much easier.


This is especially important for the long streams of pink spheres, the second type of "enemy" (obstacle?) in the game. These are like the continuous button presses in guitar hero, requiring you to trace along them with your Touch controller, following the path they indicate.


It's somewhat basic, but no moreso than countless popular non-VR rhythm games. The meat of the gameplay is in mastering individual songs by memorization. It's currently on sale for $6, down from the normal $15. I'd actually still recommend it at full price, so buying it on sale is a no brainer. Grab it here for Oculus, and here for Vive.

Stay Cozy!

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My favourite part is that lady view from behind, what a great form. So much wow!

I thought you were going to play something.
So it was a review. Beats Fever is not bad, I think it would be much cooler with the screen shaking.

I just got to know about VR games through this post. I would ask you for tutorials on it and then later call you to a challenge if I were your roommate @alexbeyman

For a while, I used the Random feature a lot and was surprised how many songs that I really liked it delivered. Beats Fever beatmaps are built by the developers and are always the same (thus perfectly in sync with the audio) while Audioshield uses an algorithm which actually does make the balls random.

The gaming world isn't filled only with violence and depravity. In fact, it's mostly enchanting. But I haven't had the VR experience yet.

I've never played VR games :(

VR games... The last game i played was taken 3 lol

when you recommend it,it means it is worth playing
will give it a shot soon!

A vast knowledge about VR games.. @alexbeyman ..what are views regarding the games we play through mouse on our pc?? N what is the difference in VR games???

This for sure would had been great time... The game features look wonderful and classy and graphics also...what is the name anyways..

Don’t think I’ve ever played a rythm game eben on PC but this sounds quite cool. I guess you can get a lot more into it in VR.

I am also a gaming fan like you.

nice game......

Great and great musician he is a wonderful dancing girl

I very love vr

The game is very nice...👌

it must be fun to play VR games, hope I get to play one soon...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It looks very good Alex. Plus when the music is awesome it skyrockets the game 2 levels up

I love VR gaming so much ...... Its so amazing ....


😒 I have never play VR game 🙊

wonderful vr game. thanks for sharing

Hello brother..
not good if there is a post that I did not reply. an enlightening post about great music. Reviewed with data. I sympathize with the writing of mr @ alexbaymen. music is a part of life.
enjoy and thank you for this helpful information.

How can I play please?

So it means it's musical type game?