Crit Fails and Crit Successes

in gaming •  7 years ago 

Hey everyone
So it's been a while since I have actually been a dungeon master and the last time I was supposed to I let my spouse. Now with the game I had it fell apart one of the people who I was hosting the campaign for mainly dropped out and at the same time her friend who was also in my campaign also dropped out. I felt for the longest time like it was my fault and that I was a terrible DM. I was honestly questioning if I should continue. I contacted another player who was in my campaign who is actually a pretty good DM. I play in a campaign with him as the Dungeon Master but back to the point he told me I wasn't terrible just new. He gave me a few pointers and also guided me to another player who was with him when he met to give us some pointers and then we still had 3 others so ideally we had the perfect party size. I am now in the works of remaking my campaign to better suit what I want to do with it. I also have plans to do a session zero which ideally I should have done in the first place but this was a learning curve.

Onto another thing I did about 2months I ago I went to a local Event that was for tabletop gaming it had WarCraft, some Hobbit thing and a few other fun events but down in the basement in the stereotypical spot was 2 events that I attended and they were Dungeons and Dragons one shot campaigns basically they were held for one day for a few hours. I was enthralled and excited and it was well run the two dungeon masters and the players I played with actually excited me. I was able to role-play and say what I wanted it was a great event all in all.

Well I hope you enjoyed this update and I hope to soon have new adventures for dungeons and dragons to tell you of.

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awesome. glad to read you are getting back on the longma.


@artsygoddess I upvote this post. please i wait your support for my last post :