Cyndaquil Community Day set fire to the rain!

in gaming •  6 years ago 


Today was the monthly Community Day, this time featuring the gen 2 Johto start Cyndaquil! With its Shiny form added to the game as of today. During the 3 hour Community Day we received double catch XP and double catch Stardust, with the catch Stardust actually resulting in 4x the regular Stardust on capture due to the ongoing Stardust Blast event. Which is currently rewarding us double Catch and Hatch Stardust through November 13.

Any Cyndaquil that's evolved all the way into Typholosion during or up to one hour after the event concluded learned the Charge Move Blast Burn. Which is better than it's access to the Charge Moves Overheat and Fire Blast.

When I was outside for just a minute I ran into two people with whom I usually take over a Gym at some point during the day. First thing one of them asked if I had caught a Shiny already, but I only just caught like 3 Cyndaquil prior to seeing him, so that chance was really low! While I was talking with them and catching some Cyndaquil there, one of the other people I know well arrived there after he had gone around the block. We all walked together for a bit and then went to a Giratina Raid that was nearby.

Giratina and Buizel Raid.jpg

I usually don't take part in any Raids during the Community Day. As it takes away time from capturing the Community Day's featured Pokémon. However I still had my free Raid Pass from the day before, and the weather didn't look too good. So I wasn't sure if I could do a Raid after the Community Day. Since it was a Giratina I decided I would just go for it too. That's the first weather boosted Giratina Raid I did too.

After we finished the Raid and I was trying to catch the Giratina, the little kid for whom I caught two Gengar the weekend before from the Gengar Raid Day showed up! I had not seen he was taking part in the Raid too. But he had apparently seen me. As he came to me and asked if I could help him catch the Giratina after he tried with a few Premier Balls already. Just as I took his phone when he gave it to me I saw I caught my own Giratina, so I could lay his phone on mine without a problem. While I was trying to catch it, his mom showed up too. With both of them looking at the screen to see if I could catch the Giratina I felt quite pressured. Especially when I missed one of the Premier Balls as I didn't end up curving it yet. Luckily I managed to catch it with the last one! So it was great to see his happy face again :D

After that Giratina Raid we walked to the market square to do a Buizel Raid as well.

Then one friend and I walked around a bit more and went to the local park where the Wood Tree Sculpture Gym is located. There was quite an autumn look over there with all the yellow fallen leaves. I did not encounter a Shiny Cyndaquil there, but I did take an AR picture of a regular Cyndaquil with those fallen leaves. As could be seen in the thumbnail.

Firsty Shiny Cyndaquil.jpg

Just like the last Community Day it took me more than an hour to come across a Shiny Cyndaquil. For this friend is also took a long time. When we were walking at a Pokéstop with a few Cyndaquil he found a 10 CP Cyndaquil Shiny. When we caught them all we continued our way and went to the Houten Schip Gym. Where I came across my first Shiny Cyndaquil which also turned out to be a 10 CP one!

After a while it started raining. We came across some other people who said they might be going home soon if it continued or got worse. As it was only raining lightly at the time. I didn't stop raining though. We came across the wife of one of the people we take a Gym with and she asked if we could help her with evolving. As her husband told her it was up to her to decide, but she managed to get a 96% IV Shiny Cyndaquil. So we definitely advised her to evolve it! She lacked the candy, but luckily there were a few Cyndaquil there for her to catch and get the candy.

The rain unfortunately kept on going. We did keep on playing. It started to rain a bit harder, but not that much so it was still doable. Our phone screens kept on getting wet though, so every now and then I wiped it off on my jacket or pants so I could keep using it properly.

Later on I came across on more Shiny Cyndaquil. I also traded a Shiny Cyndaquil that wasn't too good, to see if we could both get a Lucky Shiny Cyndaquil out of that, which unfortunately didn't happen. At least its IV improved a bit.


After the event was over I did some more trading for some Lucky Cyndaquil. Managed to get 2 Lucky Cyndaquil out of those trades. Not too good stat wise though unfortunately. Then the time came to evolve Cyndaquil and get the Blast Burn Charged Move on my Typhlosion.

I decided to evolve my 91 IV Cyndaquil that I already had prior to the event. And then also evolve my best Shiny Cyndaquil and my best Lucky Cyndaquil. So I got those 3 Typholosion out of that!

Before and after Pokédex.jpg

At the start of the event I had about 23 Cyndaquil caught and 24 seen. I took the first picture after catching a few already. When the event was over I noticed I now have 160 caught and 165 seen in the Pokédex. So I've been able to catch around 135 Cyndaquil during this Community Day.

I also decided to include a screenshot of Typholosion's Pokédex entry. Which displays 6 for caught, that's a surprise to me. As I recall catching 2 Typhlosion long ago from quests. And then I evolved those 3 after the event. So I don't really know where that 6th caught count is coming from.

The Pokédex entry's tab for Shiny Cyndaquil, Quilava and Typhlosion also display a Lucky background. I don't really know why, as I don't have the Shiny variant as Lucky. To me it feels like the background for the Shiny variant shouldn't have the Lucky background unless you really received a Lucky Shiny of that Pokémon. This makes it a bit confusing to me.

Despite the rain, it was still an enjoyable Community Day. Next month it might be best if I bring an umbrella though so my phone screen might not get as many raindrops on it as it did.

How has your Cyndaquil Community Day been? Did you catch any good ones and any Shiny?

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