5 BEST 3DS Games That YOU Might Have MISSED!

in gaming •  7 years ago 

Are there any GOOD 3DS games worth buying from 2017? Are these 3DS games worth the price? Here is 5 Games for the Nintendo 3DS that released this year that you might have MISSED! Is Ever Oasis worth it? Is Fire Emblem Echoes worth it? Good or bad, here is Gameplay and Review of 5 Nintendo 3DS / 2DS Games! - Like/Comment/Subscribe/Share/TouchMyBell

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Mario Sports Superstars is cool if you want to pretend to like sports, but also really suck at sports but the Mario characters make it easy for you.

You're a cutie ;)

This video needs more Phoenix Wright

Great video man, if I were to have a 2Ds XL I would buy them, so sad that the country I live on, the minimum wage can't even buy a Big Mac in MacDonald's

Great video. Very inromative

Lots of sneaky good games this year. River City Rival Showdown just snuck out the door last month too on eShop. Old school Kunio punching people in the face never really gets old.