How many of you people are proud to be gamers?

in gaming •  7 years ago 

How many of you people are proud to be gamers? How many of you spit in the face of naysayers who would chastise you for your enthusiasm of gaming? What is your attitude towards gaming?

Personally, I think gaming is a great way to stimulate your mind, provided you don't sit in front of a screen for 8 hours at a time without moving. I think that to an extent, the freedom the break the law and steal and kill and plunder is a good way to let off steam, because obviously it isn't something we'd get away with in real life.MRNsd.png

What is your opinion ? Let me know in the comments below !

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Навярно е интересно, непозната територия за мен...

I'm a gamer but the I have left it recently.

nice :D

добрите геймъри са добре дошли на заплата при производителите на видео карти.;)

На коя врата да почукам? Това звочи като сбъдната мечта да ти плашат за да играеш с все по нови видеокарти!!!

Tова е моя начин да рестартирам! 2 часа в WOT и съм нов човек (вежлив, внимателен и не псуващ)