I was a bit late to the party and have been making extremely slow progress but I'm so happy to be back playing PoE and so far Delve is looking to be a great league. I'm still learning all the ins and outs of delving and I'm not sure if I should be delving while levleing or not. The Delve resources are fairly easy to come by so I just start running Delves when I hit my resource cap. I figure that I can at least get a good chunk of upgrades done before I get my build fully online.
I was checking item prices and it looks like my build is going to be pretty expensive to get off the ground. I think I'll need at least 100c and right now I'm sitting on about 5c. Delving seems like a decent way to earn currency so maybe I can get everything together somewhere around level 70-75. I'd be pretty happy with that but that does mean it's going to be a slow grind getting to end game.
I don't even have Golems unlocked yet so my build is 0% online. I think I should get the gems fairly soon and can at least start playing around with my setup. Right now I'm just playing with arc, to help keep a high clear speed so I can move through zones at a good pace.
I won't be able to play anymore until tomorrow night, so I'll be itching to get going again all day tomorrow.